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doz n e 1 know the song in the new molson commercials

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# 1 18 years ago

does anyone know the songs in the new molson beer commercials with the girls, its kinda techno it also was in a movie trailer.. i had it before but lost it due to lightning striking the strife of the gonads.. in other words my computer =/ please help!
# 2 18 years ago

yea man it's "right here, right now" by fat boy slim
# 3 18 years ago

> does anyone know the songs in the new molson beer commercials with the girls, its kinda techno it also was in a movie trailer.. i had it before but lost it due to lightning striking the strife of the gonads.. in other words my computer =/ please help!
i'm trying to find the same answer as you!!!!
its a cool song! does anyone know?
# 4 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the songs in the new molson beer commercials with the girls, its kinda techno it also was in a movie trailer.. i had it before but lost it due to lightning striking the strife of the gonads.. in other words my computer =/ please help!
> ------------------------------------------------
> i'm trying to find the same answer as you!!!!
> its a cool song! does anyone know?
# 5 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the songs in the new molson beer commercials with the girls, its kinda techno it also was in a movie trailer.. i had it before but lost it due to lightning striking the strife of the gonads.. in other words my computer =/ please help!
> ------------------------------------------------
> i'm trying to find the same answer as you!!!!
> its a cool song! does anyone know?
>ya i know what u guys are talking about but i have the same problem. i cant find that song anywere.
# 6 18 years ago

Fatboy Slim- Right Here, Right Now

Very cool song. The part that you dont here in the video is the voice saying "right here, right now" over and over. thats how I knew.


> > does anyone know the songs in the new molson beer commercials with the girls, its kinda techno it also was in a movie trailer.. i had it before but lost it due to lightning striking the strife of the gonads.. in other words my computer =/ please help!
> ------------------------------------------------
> i'm trying to find the same answer as you!!!!
> its a cool song! does anyone know?
(All 6 messages )

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