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iPod new advert

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# 1 18 years ago

The new iPod advert has a few songs in it but starts and ends with a very funky one. I can only remeber one word in it which is 'supercalafragalistic......' Anyone know the name of this tune?
# 2 18 years ago

overseek - velocity shift
# 3 18 years ago

> The new iPod advert has a few songs in it but starts and ends with a very funky one. I can only remeber one word in it which is 'supercalafragalistic......' Anyone know the name of this tune?
# 4 18 years ago

> The new iPod advert has a few songs in it but starts and ends with a very funky one. I can only remeber one word in it which is 'supercalafragalistic......' Anyone know the name of this tune?

Well its actually an vodafone advert and the song is Overseer - Velocity Shift
# 5 18 years ago

> > The new iPod advert has a few songs in it but starts and ends with a very funky one. I can only remeber one word in it which is 'supercalafragalistic......' Anyone know the name of this tune?
> Well its actually an vodafone advert and the song is Overseer - Velocity Shift

weel it is feel good inc - gorilaz
# 6 18 years ago

> > > o advert novo do iPod tem algumas canções nele mas em começos e em extremidades com muito funky. Mim palavra do remeber um da lata somente neles qual é ' supercalafragalistic......' Qualquer um sabe o nome deste tune? > > > > o seu bom realmente um advert do vodafone e a canção é Overseer - deslocamento da velocidade > > weel é a sensação inc bom - gorilaz
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