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Jagaur commercial song

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# 1 18 years ago

I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
# 2 18 years ago

> I have more info. It was the s-type series and it was a red car
# 3 18 years ago

> I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
# 4 18 years ago

Artist Name: Tomoyasu Hotei
Album: Electric Samurai

> I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
# 5 18 years ago

song call:Battle without honor or humanity
Artist:Tomoyasu Hotei (Japanese)
Album:Electric SAmurai
# 6 18 years ago

I think it is, "Battle Without Honor," from the Kill Bill 1 soundtrack

> I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
# 7 18 years ago

> > I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
>well im not sure what song it was but the movie "Team America" features the same song towards the end as they are all walking in. Maybe the movie credits can help you. I know how frustating it can be to want a song but not know who, or what group does it. >.< Hope it helps a bit

# 8 18 years ago

> I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
POW! found it... Its ALSO on the Kill Bill movie as its theme song. It's called "Battle Without Honour" by: Hotei Tomoyasu. There... I know that'll help lol
# 9 18 years ago

Tomoyasu Hotei, Battle Without Honor Or Humanity
It was also on the Kill Bill v1 soundtrack

> > > I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
> >well im not sure what song it was but the movie "Team America" features the same song towards the end as they are all walking in. Maybe the movie credits can help you. I know how frustating it can be to want a song but not know who, or what group does it. >.
# 10 18 years ago

> Tomoyasu Hotei, Battle Without Honor Or Humanity
> It was also on the Kill Bill v1 soundtrack
> > > > I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
> > >well im not sure what song it was but the movie "Team America" features the same song towards the end as they are all walking in. Maybe the movie credits can help you. I know how frustating it can be to want a song but not know who, or what group does it. >.
> >
# 11 18 years ago

> > I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
> POW! found it... Its ALSO on the Kill Bill movie as its theme song. It's called "Battle Without Honour" by: Hotei Tomoyasu. There... I know that'll help lol

AQUEDUCT "Hardcore Days & Softcore Nights"
# 12 18 years ago

> > > I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
> >well im not sure what song it was but the movie "Team America" features the same song towards the end as they are all walking in. Maybe the movie credits can help you. I know how frustating it can be to want a song but not know who, or what group does it. >.

Yeah. What song is that? It sounds a bit like "Love Train". Not so?
# 13 18 years ago

Has anyone figured out the answer to this question? Cause I've been trying to figure this out for a while....with no luck at all.
# 14 17 years ago

> > I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial? I can't remember which model it was but the car was black and it went around in circles. Thank you
# 15 17 years ago

> > I would like to know what the name and the artist of the Jaguar commercial GORGEOUS?
The backing insterumental was done by massive attack but who is the artist with lyrics

Thank you
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