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# 1 21 years ago

# 2 21 years ago

I think I'm looking for the same song you are. Are u looking for that song that plays during the 'Miami' promo and also during the one for the rest of the season of 'scrubs'? I've been looking for it for over a week, if you can get that song online, i think i know someone who said she could recognize it if she could just hear it again. I couldn't tell what she was singing but it kind've sounded like she said 'help fill myself season with you' Anyways, post if u find anything.
# 3 21 years ago

Try the song, 'Jericho' by Weekend Players
# 4 21 years ago

The song Nicole is looking for is not the same one you are looking for. I've seen both commercials. I, also, am interested in the one you mentioned. But I thought the lyrics went 'fill my senses up with you, you, you...'
I wish I could hear it again too. I've been scouring the internet ever since I heard it and I can't find it anywhere. I guess there aren't enough Good Morning Miami fans out there that keep track of small details such as this on their websites. Bummer.
Can anyone out there offer any help?
> I think I'm looking for the same song you are. Are u looking for that song that plays during the 'Miami' promo and also during the one for the rest of the season of 'scrubs'? I've been looking for it for over a week, if you can get that song online, i think i know someone who said she could recognize it if she could just hear it again. I couldn't tell what she was singing but it kind've sounded like she said 'help fill myself season with you' Anyways, post if u find anything.
> ~Ariana

# 5 21 years ago

> The song Nicole is looking for is not the same one you are looking for. I've seen both commercials. I, also, am interested in the one you mentioned. But I thought the lyrics went 'fill my senses up with you, you, you...'
> I wish I could hear it again too. I've been scouring the internet ever since I heard it and I can't find it anywhere. I guess there aren't enough Good Morning Miami fans out there that keep track of small details such as this on their websites. Bummer.
> Can anyone out there offer any help?
>> I think I'm looking for the same song you are. Are u looking for that song that plays during the 'Miami' promo and also during the one for the rest of the season of 'scrubs'? I've been looking for it for over a week, if you can get that song online, i think i know someone who said she could recognize it if she could just hear it again. I couldn't tell what she was singing but it kind've sounded like she said 'help fill myself season with you' Anyways, post if u find anything.
>> ~Ariana
You guys are still looking? I want that one too! I tried Jericoh by Weekend Players (which is a very cool group I have discovered since listening to Jericoh), but that's not the song in the promo!! I'll keep looking I guess.
# 6 21 years ago

jericho is the song you're looking for, i totally recognize it. I don't know what other song that person is looking for. Anyways, i'm 100% positive
# 7 21 years ago

> jericho is the song you're looking for, i totally recognize it. I don't know what other song that person is looking for. Anyways, i'm 100% positive
okay... my last post was completely wrong. It is Jericho.
(and I realized that I must have been on something ~maybe of the anal crack variety~ when I tried spelling Jericho last post too)
my bad...
# 8 21 years ago

that's right...

# 9 21 years ago

'A Thousand Miles' by Vanessa Carlton

# 10 21 years ago

:The 'fill my senses up with you' song is by Weekend Players. It's called 'Jericho'. You can download it off Kazaa. It took me forever to find it too, but it was worth it. It's a great song.

: The song Nicole is looking for is not the same one you are looking for. I've seen both commercials. I, also, am interested in the one you mentioned. But I thought the lyrics went 'fill my senses up with you, you, you...'
> I wish I could hear it again too. I've been scouring the internet ever since I heard it and I can't find it anywhere. I guess there aren't enough Good Morning Miami fans out there that keep track of small details such as this on their websites. Bummer.
> Can anyone out there offer any help?
>> I think I'm looking for the same song you are. Are u looking for that song that plays during the 'Miami' promo and also during the one for the rest of the season of 'scrubs'? I've been looking for it for over a week, if you can get that song online, i think i know someone who said she could recognize it if she could just hear it again. I couldn't tell what she was singing but it kind've sounded like she said 'help fill myself season with you' Anyways, post if u find anything.
>> ~Ariana

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