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# 1 21 years ago

What is the song for the NBC promo commercial that aired in Nov and Dec featuring clips from Friend, Fraser, Will and Grace, and Good Morning Miami. Some of the words were, the first time I saw you I knew. Kind of a slower song. PLEASE HELP. By the way, it's not Come Along, by Titiyo. Thank you
# 2 21 years ago

> What is the song for the NBC promo commercial that aired in Nov and Dec featuring clips from Friend, Fraser, Will and Grace, and Good Morning Miami. Some of the words were, the first time I saw you I knew. Kind of a slower song. PLEASE HELP. By the way, it's not Come Along, by Titiyo. Thank you
I think it may be Let My Love Open The Door by The Who, which is a really good song. Download it, it is probably it, if not, it's still a great song. I know they had it as a promo on NBC for Friends a while back

# 3 21 years ago

I am wondering if we are both looking for the same song....some of the words said 'come fill my senses up with you...' WHAT IS THAT SONG???

: What is the song for the NBC promo commercial that aired in Nov and Dec featuring clips from Friend, Fraser, Will and Grace, and Good Morning Miami. Some of the words were, the first time I saw you I knew. Kind of a slower song. PLEASE HELP. By the way, it's not Come Along, by Titiyo. Thank you

# 4 21 years ago

> What is the song for the NBC promo commercial that aired in Nov and Dec featuring clips from Friend, Fraser, Will and Grace, and Good Morning Miami. Some of the words were, the first time I saw you I knew. Kind of a slower song. PLEASE HELP. By the way, it's not Come Along, by Titiyo. Thank you
It's 'Jericho' by Weekend Players. You can listen to the full song at Their album 'Pursuit Of Happiness' comes out March 11.
# 5 20 years ago

The song you are looking for is called Jericho by the group Weekend Players. I just heard the promo myself and started doing web searches. I found the info on another site and confirmed that it is indeed this song. You can listen to a clip of the song on either or
> I am wondering if we are both looking for the same song....some of the words said 'come fill my senses up with you...' WHAT IS THAT SONG???

:> What is the song for the NBC promo commercial that aired in Nov and Dec featuring clips from Friend, Fraser, Will and Grace, and Good Morning Miami. Some of the words were, the first time I saw you I knew. Kind of a slower song. PLEASE HELP. By the way, it's not Come Along, by Titiyo. Thank you

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