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Michelob elevator commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anybody know the musician who made the track for the Michelob commercial where the guy meets the girl in the elevator and pulls the emergency button?
It's a downtempo track with a horn loop. Thanks for your help!
# 2 21 years ago

Yeah. The name of the track is 'Soul Vibration' by Martin Desai

> Does anybody know the musician who made the track for the Michelob commercial where the guy meets the girl in the elevator and pulls the emergency button?
: It's a downtempo track with a horn loop. Thanks for your help!

# 3 21 years ago

> Does anybody know the musician who made the track for the Michelob commercial where the guy meets the girl in the elevator and pulls the emergency button?
: It's a downtempo track with a horn loop. Thanks for your help!
Hi, I called Bud directly, and spoke with a very nice girl named Holly, who informed me the name of the song is 'Soul Vibration,' by Martin Desai and Martin Fisher. Good luck finding it. I searched Kazaa and came up with nothing; I didn't have much luck with google either. Do me a favor, if you find a link were we can download it, post it here. Thanks, and good luck.

# 4 21 years ago

Yes! I just found it!

The artist is: J Walk
The song is: Soul Vibration
It was worth the search...good tune!
# 5 20 years ago

The song in the Michelob elevator commercial is 'Soul Vibration' by J-Walk. For a good collection of downtempo music, I suggest the 'Hi-Fidelity Lounge' series from Guidance Recordings ( Soul Vibration is on Volume 3.
# 6 20 years ago

I'm looking for the same track.
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