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Music from The Bumblebee Flies Anyway

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# 1 21 years ago

Hey, Does anybody know where or how I can get music from a movie, that wasn't made into a soundtrack? More specifically there's a movie called the bumblebee flies anyway (which was kind of boring, but some of the music was awsome)that I would really like to know some of the name of the songs or artists who's music was in this movie. Thanks alot.
# 2 21 years ago

I would also like to know the names of the songs in 'The Bumblebee Flies Anyway'
I really enjoyed the movie and I liked the songs they used.

# 3 21 years ago

There isn't a soundtrack, but I have a list of all the songs in it. I've downloaded most of them, but there are a few that I have not heard yet, so I don't know where in the movie they are.
1. 'Trepanning' by Headrillaz. ???
2. '5' by UltraSpank. When Barney first meets Mazzo, this music is playing in his room.
3. 'Coming Down' by Vitro. This is when Barney is in the junkyard and throws a rock at a liquor bottle.
4. 'Weight of the World' by Alana Davis. When Barney goes to find his mom with Cassie.
5. 'Mr. Jade' by Pete Droge. ???
6. 'Porcupine' by Joseph Arthur. When Barney is building the car, and Mazzo is taken for treatment.
7. 'She Cries Your Name' by Willian Orbit. This is when Barney is leaving the clynic. He's walking down the hallway, and writing his name on the wall.
8. 'Truthfully' by Lisa Loeb. The very end when Cassie visits Barney in the new place.
Sorry I didn't respond back when you posted this (I had been busy looking for it too!). I hope you get this!
# 4 21 years ago

> Hey, Does anybody know where or how I can get music from a movie, that wasn't made into a soundtrack? More specifically there's a movie called the bumblebee flies anyway (which was kind of boring, but some of the music was awsome)that I would really like to know some of the name of the songs or artists who's music was in this movie. Thanks alot.
um there is a person called lisa lobe she does the song truthfully , and there is a band called strange storege that sings she cries your name .

# 5 21 years ago

Hey, The bumblebee flies anyway is one of my favourite movies, so I bought it. At the end of the credits some of the songs are listed.
The only songs listed are:
'Trepanning' - by Headrillaz
'5' - by Ultraspank
'coming down' - by Vitro
'Weight of the World' - by Alana Davis*
'Mr. Jade' - by Pete Droge and the Sinners
'Porcupine' - Joseph Arthur
'She cries your name' - Strange Cargo*
'Truthfully' - Lisa Loeb.*
-The ones with the stars by them are the ones you will recognize the most. I have never found the soundtrack, but have been able to download some of these songs off of Kazaa.

# 6 21 years ago

heya, i've never found the soundtrack in any stores, but the songs from the movie include 'truthfully' by lisa loeb, 'she cries your name' by strange cargo, 'porcupine' by joseph arthur, 'Mr. jude' by Pete droge and the sinners '5' by ultrapunk and 'coming down' by vitro. there are more, but i'm not sure of their titles/artisis. hope that helped!
# 7 20 years ago

> Hey, Does anybody know where or how I can get music from a movie, that wasn't made into a soundtrack? More specifically there's a movie called the bumblebee flies anyway (which was kind of boring, but some of the music was awsome)that I would really like to know some of the name of the songs or artists who's music was in this movie. Thanks alot.

# 8 20 years ago

> Hey, Does anybody know where or how I can get music from a movie, that wasn't made into a soundtrack? More specifically there's a movie called the bumblebee flies anyway (which was kind of boring, but some of the music was awsome)that I would really like to know some of the name of the songs or artists who's music was in this movie. Thanks alot.
# 9 19 years ago

> I would also like to know the names of the songs in 'The Bumblebee Flies Anyway'
> I really enjoyed the movie and I liked the songs they used.
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