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Lipitor Commercial on TV

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# 1 18 years ago

Who is the hunk that jumps in the pool with all the girls watching him do a belly flop?
# 2 18 years ago

> Who is the hunk that jumps in the pool with all the girls watching him do a belly flop?

His name is Bernard Fouquet (French born ooh-la-la!) and he is a model with the Ford Agency. Had a bit part in movie with Angelica Houston called "The Perez Family" in 1995, as customer at perfume counter. Hard to recognize him though 'cause his hair was longer/blond.

I LOVE his look now though - he is DEFINITELY a hunk!

Would LOVE to know more about him too.

# 3 18 years ago

what's the name of the background song played when the woman steps out the car on to the red carpet and trips and falls?
# 4 18 years ago

> what's the name of the background song played when the woman steps out the car on to the red carpet and trips and falls?


I don't know that one because I "only have eyes" for hottie Bernie and the poolside ones lol. Sorry for the pun ("I only have eyes for you" is the song in THAT one, sung by the wonderful late Rosemary Clooney)

# 5 18 years ago

> > Who is the hunk that jumps in the pool with all the girls watching him do a belly flop?
> His name is Bernard Fouquet (French born ooh-la-la!) and he is a model with the Ford Agency. Had a bit part in movie with Angelica Houston called "The Perez Family" in 1995, as customer at perfume counter. Hard to recognize him though 'cause his hair was longer/blond.
> I LOVE his look now though - he is DEFINITELY a hunk!
> Would LOVE to know more about him too.
> Kathy

Me too!! He is a hunk isn't he. He can bellyflop in my house any day !!!!
How old is he, is he married? is there an e-mail where I can write to him?
# 6 18 years ago

To: fpresnall

He's 53 (born Dec 1951) and yes sadly I believe he is married but we can still lust lol

Email me and I'll give you what other info I have on him - not much but have some great pics of him

Trying to find a way to write him so maybe we can find a way together to contact him...he needs a website for us to oogle him :-)


> > > Who is the hunk that jumps in the pool with all the girls watching him do a belly flop?
> >
> > His name is Bernard Fouquet (French born ooh-la-la!) and he is a model with the Ford Agency. Had a bit part in movie with Angelica Houston called "The Perez Family" in 1995, as customer at perfume counter. Hard to recognize him though 'cause his hair was longer/blond.
> >
> > I LOVE his look now though - he is DEFINITELY a hunk!
> >
> > Would LOVE to know more about him too.
> >
> > Kathy
> Me too!! He is a hunk isn't he. He can bellyflop in my house any day !!!!
> How old is he, is he married? is there an e-mail where I can write to him?
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