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# 1 19 years ago

Theres an Element commercial featuring Bam Margera, usually plays sunday nights during their shows, the one where he talks about not moving to hollywood and staying in philly, theres a song playing in the back...does ANYONE know it, or think they do
# 2 19 years ago

> Theres an Element commercial featuring Bam Margera, usually plays sunday nights during their shows, the one where he talks about not moving to hollywood and staying in philly, theres a song playing in the back...does ANYONE know it, or think they do
# 3 18 years ago

the song that i think plays in the back round is h.i.m (join me in death) i have't seen the commerical but i have a feeling that is it
# 4 18 years ago

> Theres an Element commercial featuring Bam Margera, usually plays sunday nights during their shows, the one where he talks about not moving to hollywood and staying in philly, theres a song playing in the back...does ANYONE know it, or think they do
The song is called "join me" by the band HIM...
# 5 18 years ago

> Theres an Element commercial featuring Bam Margera, usually plays sunday nights during their shows, the one where he talks about not moving to hollywood and staying in philly, theres a song playing in the back...does ANYONE know it, or think they do
# 6 18 years ago

> > Theres an Element commercial featuring Bam Margera, usually plays sunday nights during their shows, the one where he talks about not moving to hollywood and staying in philly, theres a song playing in the back...does ANYONE know it, or think they do
Its called 'Join Me' by HIM
# 7 18 years ago

The song is called "join me" by a band called HIM
# 8 18 years ago

ya the songs by HIM title: join me in death ur sumtin like that
# 9 18 years ago

> > Theres an Element commercial featuring Bam Margera, usually plays sunday nights during their shows, the one where he talks about not moving to hollywood and staying in philly, theres a song playing in the back...does ANYONE know it, or think they do
# 10 18 years ago

> > > Theres an Element commercial featuring Bam Margera, usually plays sunday nights during their shows, the one where he talks about not moving to hollywood and staying in philly, theres a song playing in the back...does ANYONE know it, or think they do
> >
> I don't know it but if you do find it could you send me and email telling me thanx.
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