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demonic candy/diet commercial?????

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# 1 22 years ago

Not very long ago there was a commercial on TV in which there were some
women sitting around and they were passing some candy or something
around and when they offered it to one girl, she turned it down. Then all of a
sudden the girl who was offering the candy's face morphed into a demonic
face and a devilish voice said 'you know you want it!!' or something like that.
It must have been cancelled because I only saw it once. Anyone have any
idea what this was? please email me. thanks
# 2 22 years ago

Yes, I know what you're talking about, and I think it was for some kind of energy bar. I think you're right though, they must have banned it, because I haven't seen in in awhile. That commercial scared the crap out of me!!! And if I were a kid that would have traumatized me for life. :o) Glad I didn't imagine that commercial.
# 3 20 years ago

> Not very long ago there was a commercial on TV in which there were some
: women sitting around and they were passing some candy or something
: around and when they offered it to one girl, she turned it down. Then all of a
: sudden the girl who was offering the candy's face morphed into a demonic
: face and a devilish voice said 'you know you want it!!' or something like that.
: It must have been cancelled because I only saw it once. Anyone have any
: idea what this was? please email me. thanks

Have you found out what this add was for yet? The ' You knw you want it: thing has been driving me nuts
thx :)

# 4 20 years ago

The bro
was this during the daytime or night when you've seen this? I don't know if this was a local or nation wide commercial but I've seen one where their was this messed up chick laying down in a bathtube of filth and was smoking and spitting out worms and junk. She had a devilish face too. It was for a tobacco commercial. Have you've seen this commercial anywhere?
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