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Commercial background song

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# 1 19 years ago

In HP commercial for their digital camera and printer there is a song being song with lyrics that go "picture of your dad, picture of a grad, etc. and the chorus sings picture perfect. Is tis a commerial song only or is it a published song used for the commercial? one response said it was "Pictuerbook by The Kinks" but when I look it up on this weeb site or iTunes nothing comes up, zero, sqat. anyone - Help
# 2 19 years ago

hmm....I too thought that it was "picturebook" by the kinks. Sorry.

In HP commercial for their digital camera and printer there is a song being song with lyrics that go "picture of your dad, picture of a grad, etc. and the chorus sings picture perfect. Is tis a commerial song only or is it a published song used for the commercial? one response said it was "Pictuerbook by The Kinks" but when I look it up on this weeb site or iTunes nothing comes up, zero, sqat. anyone - Help
# 3 19 years ago

I know you couldn't find it on iTunes, but I am 100% certain that it is "Picture Book" by the Kinks
# 4 19 years ago

It is Picture Book by the Kinks. Make sure Pictue Book is too words. Besides that i can't help you.
# 5 19 years ago

"Picture Book" is by the Kinks, and is from the 1967 LP "The Village Green Preservation Society"
# 6 18 years ago

> hmm....I too thought that it was "picturebook" by the kinks. Sorry.
> In HP commercial for their digital camera and printer there is a song being song with lyrics that go "picture of your dad, picture of a grad, etc. and the chorus sings picture perfect. Is tis a commerial song only or is it a published song used for the commercial? one response said it was "Pictuerbook by The Kinks" but when I look it up on this weeb site or iTunes nothing comes up, zero, sqat. anyone - Help
# 7 18 years ago

It is the Kinks. Picture Book (two words) on the Village Green Preservation Society Album.

Great Song. Happy listening.

hmm....I too thought that it was "picturebook" by the kinks. Sorry.
> In HP commercial for their digital camera and printer there is a song being song with lyrics that go "picture of your dad, picture of a grad, etc. and the chorus sings picture perfect. Is tis a commerial song only or is it a published song used for the commercial? one response said it was "Pictuerbook by The Kinks" but when I look it up on this weeb site or iTunes nothing comes up, zero, sqat. anyone - Help
# 8 18 years ago

I too enjoy the song and went to HP's website and went to Music from HP TV ads and the song is "Picture Book" and the artist is The Kinks!

hmm....I too thought that it was "picturebook" by the kinks. Sorry.
> In HP commercial for their digital camera and printer there is a song being song with lyrics that go "picture of your dad, picture of a grad, etc. and the chorus sings picture perfect. Is tis a commerial song only or is it a published song used for the commercial? one response said it was "Pictuerbook by The Kinks" but when I look it up on this weeb site or iTunes nothing comes up, zero, sqat. anyone - Help
# 9 18 years ago

i was wondering if any1 knew what the name of the song was on the commerical for adopting a kid, and it's motto is "you don't have to be perfect to be a hero" or something like that...the song name i am looking 4, is the one on the commerical where they have the dad dancing to a pop song and the old lady(gardener) looking through the window watching like he is out of his mind, and the song goes "...there's something about you baby....that i can't get enough of....there's something about u baby..."! PLEASE if anyone knows what song this is PLEASE PLEASE reply to my posted messege!!!!
# 10 18 years ago

Follow this link:

> hmm....I too thought that it was "picturebook" by the kinks. Sorry.
> In HP commercial for their digital camera and printer there is a song being song with lyrics that go "picture of your dad, picture of a grad, etc. and the chorus sings picture perfect. Is tis a commerial song only or is it a published song used for the commercial? one response said it was "Pictuerbook by The Kinks" but when I look it up on this weeb site or iTunes nothing comes up, zero, sqat. anyone - Help
# 11 18 years ago

> In HP commercial for their digital camera and printer there is a song being song with lyrics that go "picture of your dad, picture of a grad, etc. and the chorus sings picture perfect. Is tis a commerial song only or is it a published song used for the commercial? one response said it was "Pictuerbook by The Kinks" but when I look it up on this weeb site or iTunes nothing comes up, zero, sqat. anyone - Help
# 12 18 years ago

> I too enjoy the song and went to HP's website and went to Music from HP TV ads and the song is "Picture Book" and the artist is The Kinks!
> hmm....I too thought that it was "picturebook" by the kinks. Sorry.
> >
> >
> > In HP commercial for their digital camera and printer there is a song being song with lyrics that go "picture of your dad, picture of a grad, etc. and the chorus sings picture perfect. Is tis a commerial song only or is it a published song used for the commercial? one response said it was "Pictuerbook by The Kinks" but when I look it up on this weeb site or iTunes nothing comes up, zero, sqat. anyone - Help
> >
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