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Song from the 90's: Help?

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# 1 19 years ago

This. Is driving me. Insane.

I remember watching this music video back when I was a wee one. It was back in the 90's; early 90's if I'm not mistaken. I don't remember the entire video, but it was basically just this young looking girl singing to a crowd of people. She was standing infront of this large video screen and every now and then it would show shots of her face on said screen. The entire video was shot in black and white, and I also remember her singing in this slightly high-pitched voice.
I can't remember the name of the band or the song. I've been trying to remember for a very, very long time now and nothing is coming to mind.
If you have any idea what I'm talking about could you help me out here? Please?

# 2 19 years ago

i think the song yoru refering to is by portishead - all mine
# 3 19 years ago

Ok, i think i know the song, but its not a girl singing. The girl is in the video but its a guy singing. I thnk its from the late 80s And yes its in black and white with faces in the back round. Take on me, take me home I'll be...... If this sounds like the song thats about all i know!!

> This. Is driving me. Insane.

> I remember watching this music video back when I was a wee one. It was back in the 90's; early 90's if I'm not mistaken. I don't remember the entire video, but it was basically just this young looking girl singing to a crowd of people. She was standing infront of this large video screen and every now and then it would show shots of her face on said screen. The entire video was shot in black and white, and I also remember her singing in this slightly high-pitched voice.
> I can't remember the name of the band or the song. I've been trying to remember for a very, very long time now and nothing is coming to mind.
> If you have any idea what I'm talking about could you help me out here? Please?
> -Kitty.
# 4 19 years ago

Ok, i think i know the song, but its not a girl singing. The girl is in the video but its a guy singing. I thnk its from the late 80s And yes its in black and white with faces in the back round. Take on me, take me home I'll be...... If this sounds like the song thats about all i know!!

> This. Is driving me. Insane.

> I remember watching this music video back when I was a wee one. It was back in the 90's; early 90's if I'm not mistaken. I don't remember the entire video, but it was basically just this young looking girl singing to a crowd of people. She was standing infront of this large video screen and every now and then it would show shots of her face on said screen. The entire video was shot in black and white, and I also remember her singing in this slightly high-pitched voice.
> I can't remember the name of the band or the song. I've been trying to remember for a very, very long time now and nothing is coming to mind.
> If you have any idea what I'm talking about could you help me out here? Please?
> -Kitty.
# 5 19 years ago

this is driving me crazy I remember this video with two dudes singing and I beleive the chorus of the the song was saying watching my life go down I remeber watching it on BET but nobody else remeber that and I think their names were cristion or something like that and I also think they were jackson's maybe some of their sons or nephews so if anyone out there can help me please do
# 6 18 years ago

The group is called AH-HA
The song is called Take on Me

# 7 18 years ago

there's a song that pounding in my head for like a year. it'e form the 90's but I can't remember, name of the song or the band. The video is a funny one, that a stereo gets to be a star and even gats his own "mtv unplugged" but in the end get replaced as the new star for a siren and the lyrics says something about "I remember your face". The song is very electronic. If you could help me thanks a lot!!!
# 8 18 years ago

> i am looking for the name and the artist of the song freedom the chorus goes like
freedom its got to be free
in the night where you want it to be

it was a dance song
please help
# 9 18 years ago

i kno the song... "take on me" by ah-a here is a family guy clip making fun of it.
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