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HP Camera/Printer Commercial Song

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# 16 19 years ago

> I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
# 17 19 years ago

> I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
# 18 19 years ago

> I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?

Although it sounds like the band, 'Wilco'
The creative spot from HP features people holding up picture frames as they capture still images of the moments around them. Some people are surprised to learn the song used in the ad is by the classic rock group the Kinks, titled appropriately enough, "Picture Book".

# 19 18 years ago

I found this article about the song you are looking for. The new song is "Out of the picture" by The Robins. The old campaign is "Picture Book" by The Kinks. Have a good day.

> > > I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
> > The HP Digital Camera is called "Picture Book" by the Kinks it's on an album called "To The Bone".
# 20 18 years ago

> > I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
# 21 18 years ago

> > I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
# 22 18 years ago

> I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
# 23 18 years ago

> I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
# 24 18 years ago

Hey, I don't know if you'll come back to this. But that song is called Picture Book by the Kinks. good tune
# 25 18 years ago

I'm not sure if this is right or which one you want.

but both of the songs are
Picture book by The Kinks
Out of The Picture By The Robins
# 26 18 years ago

There are some new HP commercials running for their Photosmart printer. I would like to know the title of the song. I don't think it is Out of the Picture. The first 2 lines of the lyrics are "Pictures of a time and place, Pictures of a favorite face..."
Anybody know that song? Thanks for any help, this is driving me crazy! I can't find the info, not even at the HP site.

> I found this article about the song you are looking for. The new song is "Out of the picture" by The Robins. The old campaign is "Picture Book" by The Kinks. Have a good day.
> > > > I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
> > > The HP Digital Camera is called "Picture Book" by the Kinks it's on an album called "To The Bone".
> >
# 27 18 years ago

There are some new HP commercials running for their Photosmart printer. I would like to know the title of the song. I don't think it is Out of the Picture. The first 2 lines of the lyrics are "Pictures of a time and place, Pictures of a favorite face..."
Anybody know that song? Thanks for any help, this is driving me crazy! I can't find the info, not even at the HP site.

> I found this article about the song you are looking for. The new song is "Out of the picture" by The Robins. The old campaign is "Picture Book" by The Kinks. Have a good day.
> > > > I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
> > > The HP Digital Camera is called "Picture Book" by the Kinks it's on an album called "To The Bone".
> >
# 28 18 years ago

> > I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
# 29 18 years ago

the song picture perfect is an old Kinks song. hope that helps

> > I'm trying to find out if the song they play while running the commercial for HP Digital Camera and Printer "Picture Perfect", is only for the commercial or is it a real song that they use for commerical? If so can I find a sight to download it?
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