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music from Target commercial

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# 16 19 years ago

> Unfortunatly, I do not have the answer. I have been on a quest all day to find out the same thing. I saw the ad again this morning and HAVE to know. Won't somebody please reply with the answer?! This is bugging me too!!!
> > Can anybody help me out? What is the song from the "symmetrical" Target commercial which aired for about the last month, maybe month and a half with a decidedly laid-back but upbeat song, lots of bright colors, "wake up 'cause I wanna go--you can have it all?" Ideas? I have found most others from Whatsthatcalled and other sites, but this one is stumping me. Thanks.
If it's the commercial I'm thinking of, it sounds like a group called The Sea And Cake.Don't know the name of the song.
# 17 19 years ago

> Can anybody help me out? What is the song from the "symmetrical" Target commercial which aired for about the last month, maybe month and a half with a decidedly laid-back but upbeat song, lots of bright colors, "wake up 'cause I wanna go--you can have it all?" Ideas? I have found most others from Whatsthatcalled and other sites, but this one is stumping me. Thanks.
# 18 19 years ago

Sam used to head a band called Sea & Cake. I knew that I had heard his voice before. He also has his own albums. The song apparently was written directly for the commercial.

> The answer is on It was a commissioned song (ie-not something you can go buy) by Sam Prekop
> > Can anybody help me out? What is the song from the "symmetrical" Target commercial which aired for about the last month, maybe month and a half with a decidedly laid-back but upbeat song, lots of bright colors, "wake up 'cause I wanna go--you can have it all?" Ideas? I have found most others from Whatsthatcalled and other sites, but this one is stumping me. Thanks.
# 19 19 years ago

Say Something New by The Concretes, available on Napster

> The answer is on It was a commissioned song (ie-not something you can go buy) by Sam Prekop
> > Can anybody help me out? What is the song from the "symmetrical" Target commercial which aired for about the last month, maybe month and a half with a decidedly laid-back but upbeat song, lots of bright colors, "wake up 'cause I wanna go--you can have it all?" Ideas? I have found most others from Whatsthatcalled and other sites, but this one is stumping me. Thanks.
# 20 19 years ago

> Unfortunatly, I do not have the answer. I have been on a quest all day to find out the same thing. I saw the ad again this morning and HAVE to know. Won't somebody please reply with the answer?! This is bugging me too!!!
> > Can anybody help me out? What is the song from the "symmetrical" Target commercial which aired for about the last month, maybe month and a half with a decidedly laid-back but upbeat song, lots of bright colors, "wake up 'cause I wanna go--you can have it all?" Ideas? I have found most others from Whatsthatcalled and other sites, but this one is stumping me. Thanks.
# 21 19 years ago


sounds to me like it could be sam prekop from the band sea and the cake....could either be off a solo record or done specifically for the target ad..

let me know how the search goes

# 22 19 years ago


sounds to me like it could be sam prekop from the band sea and the cake....could either be off a solo record or done specifically for the target ad..

let me know how the search goes

# 23 19 years ago


sounds to me like it could be sam prekop from the band sea and the cake....could either be off a solo record or done specifically for the target ad..

let me know how the search goes

# 24 19 years ago


sounds to me like it could be sam prekop from the band sea and the cake....could either be off a solo record or done specifically for the target ad..

let me know how the search goes

# 25 19 years ago

If we are thinking about the same commercial the song is by the Concretes and it is called "Say Something New".

> The answer is on It was a commissioned song (ie-not something you can go buy) by Sam Prekop
> > Can anybody help me out? What is the song from the "symmetrical" Target commercial which aired for about the last month, maybe month and a half with a decidedly laid-back but upbeat song, lots of bright colors, "wake up 'cause I wanna go--you can have it all?" Ideas? I have found most others from Whatsthatcalled and other sites, but this one is stumping me. Thanks.
# 26 19 years ago

> Unfortunatly, I do not have the answer. I have been on a quest all day to find out the same thing. I saw the ad again this morning and HAVE to know. Won't somebody please reply with the answer?! This is bugging me too!!!
> > Can anybody help me out? What is the song from the "symmetrical" Target commercial which aired for about the last month, maybe month and a half with a decidedly laid-back but upbeat song, lots of bright colors, "wake up 'cause I wanna go--you can have it all?" Ideas? I have found most others from Whatsthatcalled and other sites, but this one is stumping me. Thanks.
> I think it might be Mazzy Starr. Anybody know?
# 27 19 years ago

you suck. that song is awesome. i wish i know or somebody else f**king knew. that's why i came here. to see. to know. to find out. but nobody knows. and man that musical ear. i am a commercial song junkie. if anyone knows the 'say something new' sont also from target and loves the stereolab vw commercial song from a while ago we might be a match. call me!!! yikes. my essage ay not ave otten trough. i aen.
# 28 19 years ago

This may not be the exact answer we are all looking for, but you can screen the Target TV ads online to your heart's content. Look for their Channel Red page at
# 29 19 years ago

The song is a speeded up version of "Say Something New" from The Concretes self-titled album.

> Can anybody help me out? What is the song from the "symmetrical" Target commercial which aired for about the last month, maybe month and a half with a decidedly laid-back but upbeat song, lots of bright colors, "wake up 'cause I wanna go--you can have it all?" Ideas? I have found most others from Whatsthatcalled and other sites, but this one is stumping me. Thanks.
# 30 19 years ago

Not sure this posted the first time, but the song is called "Say Something New" from the Concretes.

> Can anybody help me out? What is the song from the "symmetrical" Target commercial which aired for about the last month, maybe month and a half with a decidedly laid-back but upbeat song, lots of bright colors, "wake up 'cause I wanna go--you can have it all?" Ideas? I have found most others from Whatsthatcalled and other sites, but this one is stumping me. Thanks.
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