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too find out a song on a commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

I have a question about a song. There is a Cingular commercial with and old classic rock song on it. I think it goes like "take a load off Sally, take a oad off chariot, ohhh let the god lord shine down on me" I'm not to sure if that is the songs lyrcs. But I just want to know the name of that song or who makes it.The coomercial is the one where the guy moves from his place and calls his girlfriend from his car in front of her crib. So I hope you can help me, Thanks for the help and the time. See Ya! Carlos
# 2 19 years ago

> I have a question about a song. There is a Cingular commercial with and old classic rock song on it. I think it goes like "take a load off Sally, take a oad off chariot, ohhh let the god lord shine down on me" I'm not to sure if that is the songs lyrcs. But I just want to know the name of that song or who makes it.The coomercial is the one where the guy moves from his place and calls his girlfriend from his car in front of her crib. So I hope you can help me, Thanks for the help and the time. See Ya! Carlos


Your answer is:
The Band is the group and the title of the song is The Weight, they also recorded Up on Cripple Creek and The night they droved old dixie down.

Hope that helps. Nancy
# 3 19 years ago

That song is "Weight" by "The Band"

> I have a question about a song. There is a Cingular commercial with and old classic rock song on it. I think it goes like "take a load off Sally, take a oad off chariot, ohhh let the god lord shine down on me" I'm not to sure if that is the songs lyrcs. But I just want to know the name of that song or who makes it.The coomercial is the one where the guy moves from his place and calls his girlfriend from his car in front of her crib. So I hope you can help me, Thanks for the help and the time. See Ya! Carlos
# 4 19 years ago

i am wanting to know what the song on the lynx commercial is called where the mosquito bites the guy and then the frog eats the mosquito and then the man eats the frog and the lynx effect travels throughout.

what is the song called i am dying to know.

thanks guys
# 5 19 years ago

The song is called "The Weight." The band is simply called "The Band." It is available on iTMS. HTH.
# 6 19 years ago

The Marshal Tucker Band.

The Song is "Take a Load off Annie".
# 7 19 years ago

The songs called Black Betty by Spiderbait
# 8 19 years ago

> I have a question about a song. There is a Cingular commercial with and old classic rock song on it. I think it goes like "take a load off Sally, take a oad off chariot, ohhh let the god lord shine down on me" I'm not to sure if that is the songs lyrcs. But I just want to know the name of that song or who makes it.The coomercial is the one where the guy moves from his place and calls his girlfriend from his car in front of her crib. So I hope you can help me, Thanks for the help and the time. See Ya! Carlos

The song name is "Take a load off Annie" and the band is Marshall tucker Band
# 9 19 years ago

> I have a question about a song. There is a Cingular commercial with and old classic rock song on it. I think it goes like "take a load off Sally, take a oad off chariot, ohhh let the god lord shine down on me" I'm not to sure if that is the songs lyrcs. But I just want to know the name of that song or who makes it.The coomercial is the one where the guy moves from his place and calls his girlfriend from his car in front of her crib. So I hope you can help me, Thanks for the help and the time. See Ya! Carlos

The song name is "Take a load off Annie" and the band is Marshall Tucker Band
# 10 19 years ago

> The name of the song you are referring to is The Weight. It is a tune performed by the group The Band and was first featured on a 1968 album entitled Music from Big Pink.

If you enjoy this song, you may want to see the Martin Scorsese film "The Last Waltz" in which this song and others of The Band are played in their final concert as a group.
# 11 19 years ago

Its called "The Weight" by The Band
# 12 19 years ago

the song is called "The Weight" and is by the group simply named "The Band" and is, in my humble opinion, one of the top twenty songs ever recorded... Shame they pimped this masterpiece for a crappy cellphone co.
# 13 19 years ago

> I have a question about a song. There is a Cingular commercial with and old classic rock song on it. I think it goes like "take a load off Sally, take a oad off chariot, ohhh let the god lord shine down on me" I'm not to sure if that is the songs lyrcs. But I just want to know the name of that song or who makes it.The coomercial is the one where the guy moves from his place and calls his girlfriend from his car in front of her crib. So I hope you can help me, Thanks for the help and the time. See Ya! Carlos
# 14 19 years ago

The song is actually:
"The Weight" By: The Band
Also, the song can be found under the name
"Take A Load Off Annie".

# 15 19 years ago

That song is by a band called The Band, the title of the song is called "The Weight" and can be found on most of their greatest hits cds.
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