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pall mall coupons

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# 1 19 years ago

i hardly ever say anything about prices! but as the cost of every thing i have enjoyed has gone up i have to say something about one store that says you dont pay off coupons so they refuse to take them on pall mall,as i had to start buying them do to cost, i smoked camels for 19 yrs than i went to pall mall filters,but the store i have been buying from wont take your coupons. i ask them why they sell them if they wont take coupons? this been going on for a while with them. the store name. mary jos in columbus oh 43223, thats on the west side.
# 2 19 years ago

> i hardly ever say anything about prices! but as the cost of every thing i have enjoyed has gone up i have to say something about one store that says you dont pay off coupons so they refuse to take them on pall mall,as i had to start buying them do to cost, i smoked camels for 19 yrs than i went to pall mall filters,but the store i have been buying from wont take your coupons. i ask them why they sell them if they wont take coupons? this been going on for a while with them. the store name. mary jos in columbus oh 43223, thats on the west side.
# 3 18 years ago

> i hardly ever say anything about prices! but as the cost of every thing i have enjoyed has gone up i have to say something about one store that says you dont pay off coupons so they refuse to take them on pall mall,as i had to start buying them do to cost, i smoked camels for 19 yrs than i went to pall mall filters,but the store i have been buying from wont take your coupons. i ask them why they sell them if they wont take coupons? this been going on for a while with them. the store name. mary jos in columbus oh 43223, thats on the west side.
# 4 18 years ago

> i hardly ever say anything about prices! but as the cost of every thing i have enjoyed has gone up i have to say something about one store that says you dont pay off coupons so they refuse to take them on pall mall,as i had to start buying them do to cost, i smoked camels for 19 yrs than i went to pall mall filters,but the store i have been buying from wont take your coupons. i ask them why they sell them if they wont take coupons? this been going on for a while with them. the store name. mary jos in columbus oh 43223, thats on the west side.
# 5 18 years ago

> > i hardly ever say anything about prices! but as the cost of every thing i have enjoyed has gone up i have to say something about one store that says you dont pay off coupons so they refuse to take them on pall mall,as i had to start buying them do to cost, i smoked camels for 19 yrs than i went to pall mall filters,but the store i have been buying from wont take your coupons. i ask them why they sell them if they wont take coupons? this been going on for a while with them. the store name. mary jos in columbus oh 43223, thats on the west side.
# 6 18 years ago

> > i hardly ever say anything about prices! but as the cost of every thing i have enjoyed has gone up i have to say something about one store that says you dont pay off coupons so they refuse to take them on pall mall,as i had to start buying them do to cost, i smoked camels for 19 yrs than i went to pall mall filters,but the store i have been buying from wont take your coupons. i ask them why they sell them if they wont take coupons? this been going on for a while with them. the store name. mary jos in columbus oh 43223, thats on the west side.
# 7 18 years ago

> i hardly ever say anything about prices! but as the cost of every thing i have enjoyed has gone up i have to say something about one store that says you dont pay off coupons so they refuse to take them on pall mall,as i had to start buying them do to cost, i smoked camels for 19 yrs than i went to pall mall filters,but the store i have been buying from wont take your coupons. i ask them why they sell them if they wont take coupons? this been going on for a while with them. the store name. mary jos in columbus oh 43223, thats on the west side.
# 8 18 years ago

> > > i hardly ever say anything about prices! but as the cost of every thing i have enjoyed has gone up i have to say something about one store that says you dont pay off coupons so they refuse to take them on pall mall,as i had to start buying them do to cost, i smoked camels for 19 yrs than i went to pall mall filters,but the store i have been buying from wont take your coupons. i ask them why they sell them if they wont take coupons? this been going on for a while with them. the store name. mary jos in columbus oh 43223, thats on the west side.
> >
# 9 18 years ago

> > > > i hardly ever say anything about prices! but as the cost of every thing i have enjoyed has gone up i have to say something about one store that says you dont pay off coupons so they refuse to take them on pall mall,as i had to start buying them do to cost, i smoked camels for 19 yrs than i went to pall mall filters,but the store i have been buying from wont take your coupons. i ask them why they sell them if they wont take coupons? this been going on for a while with them. the store name. mary jos in columbus oh 43223, thats on the west side.
> > >
> >
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