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song on 12-12-02 Scrubs

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# 1 21 years ago

does anyone know the song from Scrubs they were playing when Ellliot and Jd got together?
Vers was 'I still need you but I don't want you now.'
# 2 21 years ago

That song is called Dreaming of You by a new brit band called The Coral. As far as I know the album is only available on import. By the way, the whole album is FANTASTIC!
> does anyone know the song from Scrubs they were playing when Ellliot and Jd got together?
: Vers was 'I still need you but I don't want you now.'
: Thanks

# 3 21 years ago

Steve F
> does anyone know the song from Scrubs they were playing when Ellliot and Jd got together?
: Vers was 'I still need you but I don't want you now.'
: Thanks
It's called 'Dreaming Of You' and it's by British band The Coral.
# 4 19 years ago

> That song is called Dreaming of You by a new brit band called The Coral. As far as I know the album is only available on import. By the way, the whole album is FANTASTIC!
> > does anyone know the song from Scrubs they were playing when Ellliot and Jd got together?
> : Vers was 'I still need you but I don't want you now.'
> : Thanks
Wonderful! I just was searching the web about this question!
Anika, Cologne (Germany)
# 5 19 years ago

> does anyone know the song from Scrubs they were playing when Ellliot and Jd got together?
> Vers was 'I still need you but I don't want you now.'
> Thanks

It's The Coral - 'Dreaming of you'.
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