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Target song

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# 1 19 years ago

What is the artist and the name of the song in the Target commercial there is an old man in it along with lots of other stuff going on. I think its something like "say something, say something, something new" THANKS!
# 2 19 years ago

Hehe, you must have heard the ad the same time I did... I found it - it's "Say something new" by The Concretes.

You can hear a clip at Amazon at

> What is the artist and the name of the song in the Target commercial there is an old man in it along with lots of other stuff going on. I think its something like "say something, say something, something new" THANKS!
# 3 19 years ago

Amy Grant did a Christmas Commercial for TARGET, the large store chain back in the 90's somtime...can sombody please tell me the name of the song she sang in that commercial or where i can find the lyrics, or even an archived website containing TARGET store commercials??

Anything would be just fine. THANKS!!!!!!!
# 4 19 years ago

the concretes

> What is the artist and the name of the song in the Target commercial there is an old man in it along with lots of other stuff going on. I think its something like "say something, say something, something new" THANKS!
# 5 19 years ago

The Concretes- Say Something New

> What is the artist and the name of the song in the Target commercial there is an old man in it along with lots of other stuff going on. I think its something like "say something, say something, something new" THANKS!
# 6 19 years ago

> the concretes
> > What is the artist and the name of the song in the Target commercial there is an old man in it along with lots of other stuff going on. I think its something like "say something, say something, something new" THANKS!
# 7 19 years ago

> the concretes
> > What is the artist and the name of the song in the Target commercial there is an old man in it along with lots of other stuff going on. I think its something like "say something, say something, something new" THANKS!
# 8 18 years ago

baby got backpacks
# 9 18 years ago

> the concretes
> > What is the artist and the name of the song in the Target commercial there is an old man in it along with lots of other stuff going on. I think its something like "say something, say something, something new" THANKS!
(All 9 messages )

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