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Song that sounds like Sarah Mclachlan, fairly new?? Need the name of it!!!!! HELP!

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# 1 21 years ago

Can anyone tell me the name of a song that I heard on the radio quite recently, it sounds like Sarah Mclachlan and its very soft and the singer is whispering...I think some of the words are 'to have you here...' or something like that. HELP! thanks...
# 2 21 years ago

> Can anyone tell me the name of a song that I heard on the radio quite recently, it sounds like Sarah Mclachlan and its very soft and the singer is whispering...I think some of the words are 'to have you here...' or something like that. HELP! thanks...
I think you might be thinking of 'I Love You' by Sarah Mclachlan off of the Surfacing album - GREAT SONG! Hopefully this helps!
# 3 21 years ago

> Can anyone tell me the name of a song that I heard on the radio quite recently, it sounds like Sarah Mclachlan and its very soft and the singer is whispering...I think some of the words are 'to have you here...' or something like that. HELP! thanks...
Is it Tori Amos? The song is called A Sorta Fairy Tale
# 4 20 years ago

some of the lyrics are: Where is the one...Flower Child...Bloomin' snow....friend & foe...?????
# 5 20 years ago

I think it is THE TOWER by VIENNA TENG from the album WAKING HOUR (available at AMAZON.COM. What a GREAT SONG!!!!

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