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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know any of the names of the male models in the new 'love train' gap commerical???
# 2 21 years ago

The one dude in the commercial is Will Kemp, also in their 'Keep It Loose' set of commercials. Kinda scruffy looking guy with dark hair. My wife is, well, shall we say a big fan of his. That's the only way I know his name.
# 3 21 years ago

Um they are not models, they are just up and coming singers (supposedly) they had like tryouts and stuff. It look slike they tried to make one look like JC of Nsync. But i know cause my cousin tried out for a part.

# 4 21 years ago

You might want to take a look at this before you say that they are not models or anything like that. Here's the guy I was talking about (URL). I'm still looking to find out who some of the others are, I know the one girl was a main character on Boston Public last year - her name is Rashida Jones. She has short hair in the commercial and a multicolored scarf on if I remember correctly. You can find a lot on her, just type her name into a search engine.
# 5 18 years ago

> Um they are not models, they are just up and coming singers (supposedly) they had like tryouts and stuff. It look slike they tried to make one look like JC of Nsync. But i know cause my cousin tried out for a part.
> tony
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