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De Beers - not the song they always use

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# 1 21 years ago

I am looking for the De Beers commercial song from the commercial where an elderly couple is walking in the park and they pass a younger couple. If starts off with a violin, and it's not the really popular song that you think of when you think of De Beers. Does anyone know the name of this song?
# 2 21 years ago

Yeah I was looking for that too, if anyone has any idea please let us know...(it is not Palladio by Karl Jenkins, this is for the shadow commercial)

# 3 20 years ago

I am looking for this same song! Have you found out the title?
> I am looking for the De Beers commercial song from the commercial where an elderly couple is walking in the park and they pass a younger couple. If starts off with a violin, and it's not the really popular song that you think of when you think of De Beers. Does anyone know the name of this song?

# 4 20 years ago

> I am looking for the De Beers commercial song from the commercial where an elderly couple is walking in the park and they pass a younger couple. If starts off with a violin, and it's not the really popular song that you think of when you think of De Beers. Does anyone know the name of this song?
# 5 19 years ago

Was investigating this, and came across this:

seems like it was a custom song written specifically for the commercial by Karl Jenkins

they used to have a full string version (for Shadows), and then adapted it to a violin solo for the later ones..

> > I am looking for the De Beers commercial song from the commercial where an elderly couple is walking in the park and they pass a younger couple. If starts off with a violin, and it's not the really popular song that you think of when you think of De Beers. Does anyone know the name of this song?
> >
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