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Listerine Commercial Actor

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Ok, here's a hard one..

There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??

The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
# 2 19 years ago

The actor you're looking for is Steve Jasgur.
The commercial this question here is referring to is Listerine - "Morning".

I work at an ad agency in Detroit and a couple of years ago he submitted a headshot of himself to my boss for our talent dept. He's terribly good looking in person and my boss and I refer to him as "ListerSteve" because we immediately recognized him from the Listerine commercials. Unfortunately our ad agency hasn't used him in anything! Anyway, here's a little bit of what I found out about him:
"Steve Jasgur
Co-producer/Actor - The 3 Little Wolfs

Steve Jasgur attended the University of Michigan where his studies focused on film and television production. After graduation, he left for New York City to pursue a life in front of the cameras. His performance credits have included appearances on the daytime dramas, “All My Children” and “The City” as well as several independent films. Additionally, Steve has appeared in over 30 television commercials, most notably of late, as the “30 seconds - you can do it” Listerine Guy. Presently residing in the Detroit, Michigan area, he owns and manages an entertainment company that provides DJ's and performers for bar and bat mitzvah celebrations, and teaches ballroom dancing to preteen children, reaching over 400 students annually."
Edited by moderator on Tue Jan 30 20:20:53 2018
# 3 19 years ago

> > Ok, here's a hard one..
> >
> > There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??
> >
> > The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
> >
> Ok, I'll try this again because it looks like it didn't take the first time (???)
> I believe the actor you're looking for is Steve Jasgur. I work at an ad agency in Detroit and a couple of years ago he submitted a headshot of himself to my boss for our talent dept. He's terribly good looking in person and my boss and I refer to him as "ListerSteve" because we immediately recognized him from the Listerine commercials. Unfortunately our ad agency hasn't used him in anything! Anyway, here's a little bit of what I found out about him:
> "Steve Jasgur
> Co-producer/Actor - The 3 Little Wolfs
> Steve Jasgur attended the University of Michigan where his studies focused on film and television production. After graduation, he left for New York City to pursue a life in front of the cameras. His performance credits have included appearances on the daytime dramas, “All My Children” and “The City” as well as several independent films. Additionally, Steve has appeared in over 30 television commercials, most notably of late, as the “30 seconds - you can do it” Listerine Guy. Presently residing in the Detroit, Michigan area, he owns and manages an entertainment company that provides DJ's and performers for bar and bat mitzvah celebrations, and teaches ballroom dancing to preteen children, reaching over 400 students annually."
# 4 19 years ago

how can I see the clip or phot of the guy in the Listerine commercial
# 5 19 years ago

> Ok, here's a hard one..
> There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??
> The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
# 6 19 years ago

> Ok, here's a hard one..
> There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??
> The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
# 7 18 years ago

If you go to and click on a story that has a video, videos are free but every two videos or so they give an advertisement video. One of these videos, the one they play the most right now is the one of Listerine with the guy you're talking about
# 8 18 years ago

> > Ok, here's a hard one..
> >
> > There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??
> >
> > The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
> >
> Ok, I'll try this again because it looks like it didn't take the first time (???)
> I believe the actor you're looking for is Steve Jasgur. I work at an ad agency in Detroit and a couple of years ago he submitted a headshot of himself to my boss for our talent dept. He's terribly good looking in person and my boss and I refer to him as "ListerSteve" because we immediately recognized him from the Listerine commercials. Unfortunately our ad agency hasn't used him in anything! Anyway, here's a little bit of what I found out about him:
> "Steve Jasgur
> Co-producer/Actor - The 3 Little Wolfs
> Steve Jasgur attended the University of Michigan where his studies focused on film and television production. After graduation, he left for New York City to pursue a life in front of the cameras. His performance credits have included appearances on the daytime dramas, “All My Children” and “The City” as well as several independent films. Additionally, Steve has appeared in over 30 television commercials, most notably of late, as the “30 seconds - you can do it” Listerine Guy. Presently residing in the Detroit, Michigan area, he owns and manages an entertainment company that provides DJ's and performers for bar and bat mitzvah celebrations, and teaches ballroom dancing to preteen children, reaching over 400 students annually."
> ____________________________________
Steve Jasgur, WOW!!!!.....I dated him years ago when we both lived in New York City in our 20's (ok, like 8 years ago). He was the nicest guy, and so so so gorgeous. He was really into his acting then, I still even have his head shot somewhere in my house. I'm married now and my husband always makes fun of me when the "Listerine" commercial comes on the tv.....but boy, he was a great guy and so damn HOT!!!!
# 9 18 years ago

> > Ok, here's a hard one..
> >
> > There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??
> >
> > The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
> >
The commercial is running again now in the USA. The clip is available on-line at .
# 10 18 years ago

I dated the "Listerine Guy" aka Steve Jasgur back in the mid-late 90's when we were both living in New York City. Boy, if you think he's hot now, you should have seen him back then (before his success with Listerine). He didn't have gray hair (although he looks hot with it now) and he had longer hair, really SEXY!! I still have his head shot from around 1997, boy oh boy!! Steve was certainly blessed with good genes :) He is the nicest guy though, and really was not caught up with how incredibly good looking he was. We remained friends for a couple of years after we stopped dating, before he moved back to Michigan, and he was just such a sweetheart and fun to spend time with !! Steve, if you ever read this, I hope all is well with you!! xoxo, Diane C.
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