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Lipitor Commercial (With man with no shirt)

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# 1 19 years ago

I am racking my brains trying to find out the title and artists of the music that is played in the Lipitor Commercial with the distinguished older man that has the great body walking past the women by the pool.


# 2 19 years ago

> I am racking my brains trying to find out the title and artists of the music that is played in the Lipitor Commercial with the distinguished older man that has the great body walking past the women by the pool.
# 3 19 years ago

The song is "I Only Have Eyes for You" by Rosemary Clooney (I think)

But what I really want to know is WHO is that GREAT looking man? sigh. Can't find out a thing about HIM and I'd sure love to know more about him.

So, if anyone knows what his name is or how to find more info about him, please let me know. He just makes my day :-))


> I am racking my brains trying to find out the title and artists of the music that is played in the Lipitor Commercial with the distinguished older man that has the great body walking past the women by the pool.
# 4 19 years ago

Hi Marie; In reference to your request in finding out the title & artist of the Lipitor commercial(with man with no shirt)well here it is.
It was originally written by Harry Warren & Al Dubin for the film "Dames" in 1934.The earliest recording of "I Only Have Eyes for You" was created by the "Flamingos" in 1959.I hope this answers your question.Its a pretty neat commercial I think also.
Donny Aff...

# 5 19 years ago

I only have eyes for you
though, I don't know who does this version
# 6 19 years ago

Don't have any idea but this 50-something redhead has been in love with that fella since the first time I saw the commercial.

Now *that's* an older man!!! :)

> The song is "I Only Have Eyes for You" by Rosemary Clooney (I think)
> But what I really want to know is WHO is that GREAT looking man? sigh. Can't find out a thing about HIM and I'd sure love to know more about him.
> So, if anyone knows what his name is or how to find more info about him, please let me know. He just makes my day :-))
> Kath
> > I am racking my brains trying to find out the title and artists of the music that is played in the Lipitor Commercial with the distinguished older man that has the great body walking past the women by the pool.
> >
> >
> > THANK YOU!!!
# 7 18 years ago

I don't know who is singing it but the tune is "I Only Have Eyes For You"
# 8 18 years ago

> I don't know who is singing it but the tune is "I Only Have Eyes For You"

Rosemary CLooney is singing the song I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU, in this commercial.

My questions is WHO is the guy?
# 9 18 years ago

His name is Bernard Fouquet and he models with the Ford Agency. He was born in France - ooh la la! He's 53 (born in Dec 1951) and unfortunately he's married (I think) but looking THAT good, of course he is lol

He's done a lot of print work for well known companies and now I realize I've seen him many times but just didn't pay this much attention to him until THIS one..sigh.

My hubby gets mad at me 'cause I'm so hooked on this man I have actually taped the commerical so I can oogle him anytime I want to and everytime it comes on tv, I just sit there mesmerized by him. What a hunk!

I'm trying to find out more about him and there's very little online so far. This ad is certainly very popular and it's making him very popular so if I find out more about him, I'll post and share with everyone.

BTW, I did respond to another thread about him and the Lipitor commercial this past week if you want to check that out.

He can belly flop in my pool anytime lol.

Peace and good will,

> > I don't know who is singing it but the tune is "I Only Have Eyes For You"
> Rosemary CLooney is singing the song I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU, in this commercial.
> My questions is WHO is the guy?
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