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old tv commercial info

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# 1 19 years ago

The scene: old Lady putting groceries in the car, old man sitting in the front seat watching, asking 'did she get the bread' and other items, ect. then asks of she would or did she change the oil or check the oil (I cant remember which). Please help me locate this commercial. I need to know what the commercial was about, what they were selling. Thanks.
# 2 19 years ago

> The scene: old Lady putting groceries in the car, old man sitting in the front seat watching, asking 'did she get the bread' and other items, ect. then asks of she would or did she change the oil or check the oil (I cant remember which). Please help me locate this commercial. I need to know what the commercial was about, what they were selling. Thanks.
# 3 19 years ago

> Part of the commercial was a grilfriend asking her boyfriend " Why can't you be like so and so's boyfriend Evan? "

Can you help me to find this commercial?

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