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New Mastercard Collage Get a Job Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Ive been seeing this commercial on tv by mastercard. It starts out with a kid who is a playing piece on a game board. He leaves the collage and buys a suit gets his resume, and then meets the employers who are also pieces too. Can anyone find it for me or know what im talking about? Thanks alot.
# 2 19 years ago
# 3 19 years ago

> Ive been seeing this commercial on tv by mastercard. It starts out with a kid who is a playing piece on a game board. He leaves the collage and buys a suit gets his resume, and then meets the employers who are also pieces too. Can anyone find it for me or know what im talking about? Thanks alot.

> Check out the daily show clips at this commercial is currently airing at the front of the clip. If you find out the name of that song let me know.
# 4 19 years ago

The commercial is titled "Career Path"
The ad follows a real-life human coated in plastic floating as a game piece along the Mastercard board game as he progresses from college to printing resumes and finally landing an internship.
The music is a loose remix by Mark Mothersbaugh(remember Devo?) and Mutato Muzica of the song "Get a Job" by The Silhouettes.
# 5 19 years ago

> I was wondering if the guy from the commercial is the same guy that plays stewart on madTV?
# 6 19 years ago

Yeah i have it.

> Ive been seeing this commercial on tv by mastercard. It starts out with a kid who is a playing piece on a game board. He leaves the collage and buys a suit gets his resume, and then meets the employers who are also pieces too. Can anyone find it for me or know what im talking about? Thanks alot.
# 7 19 years ago

Devo front-man Mark Mothersbaugh (under his company name Mutato Muzica), provides the music (inspired by the song "Get A Job" by The Silhouettes) for the latest Mastercard ad called "Career Path." The unusual ad follows a real-life human coated in plastic floating as a game piece along the Mastercard board game as he progresses from college to printing resumes and finally landing an internship.
# 8 19 years ago

I think this is what you're looking for
# 9 19 years ago

> Ive been seeing this commercial on tv by mastercard. It starts out with a kid who is a playing piece on a game board. He leaves the collage and buys a suit gets his resume, and then meets the employers who are also pieces too. Can anyone find it for me or know what im talking about? Thanks alot.
# 10 19 years ago

> Ive been seeing this commercial on tv by mastercard. It starts out with a kid who is a playing piece on a game board. He leaves the collage and buys a suit gets his resume, and then meets the employers who are also pieces too. Can anyone find it for me or know what im talking about? Thanks alot.
# 11 19 years ago

is that jerry seinfeld as the game piece in the 'career path' mastercard ad?

> The commercial is titled "Career Path"
> The ad follows a real-life human coated in plastic floating as a game piece along the Mastercard board game as he progresses from college to printing resumes and finally landing an internship.
> The music is a loose remix by Mark Mothersbaugh(remember Devo?) and Mutato Muzica of the song "Get a Job" by The Silhouettes.
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