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pringles commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

hey, anybody, what is the title of that techno music (sounds like)in the pringles commercial with one girl and two guys eating pringles.they were showing things that are shaped like pringles while they were dancing with that music?
# 2 21 years ago

> hey, anybody, what is the title of that techno music (sounds like)in the pringles commercial with one girl and two guys eating pringles.they were showing things that are shaped like pringles while they were dancing with that music?
Basement Jaxx Where's your Head At?
# 3 21 years ago

> hey, anybody, what is the title of that techno music (sounds like)in the pringles commercial with one girl and two guys eating pringles.they were showing things that are shaped like pringles while they were dancing with that music?
I love that commercial and song. It's called Where's your head at by basment jaxx
# 4 21 years ago

> hey, anybody, what is the title of that techno music (sounds like)in the pringles commercial with one girl and two guys eating pringles.they were showing things that are shaped like pringles while they were dancing with that music?
I love that commercial and song. It's called Where's your head at by basment jaxx
# 5 21 years ago

> Hey, anybody ! Who is the girl in the pringles commercial ?

# 6 21 years ago

> Hey, anybody ! Who is the girl in the pringles commercial ?

# 7 21 years ago

The song is by Basement Jaxx and is called 'Where's your head at'

: hey, anybody, what is the title of that techno music (sounds like)in the pringles commercial with one girl and two guys eating pringles.they were showing things that are shaped like pringles while they were dancing with that music?

# 8 20 years ago

> hey, anybody, what is the title of that techno music (sounds like)in the pringles commercial with one girl and two guys eating pringles.they were showing things that are shaped like pringles while they were dancing with that music?
Where's your head at from basement jaxx or something..

# 9 20 years ago

> hey, anybody, what is the title of that techno music (sounds like)in the pringles commercial with one girl and two guys eating pringles.they were showing things that are shaped like pringles while they were dancing with that music?

# 10 20 years ago

whats the name of that song that is in the most recent pringles commerical its like orchastral or something but its in that fiery hot one
# 11 20 years ago

the song is "O Fortuna" by Carl Orff
# 12 20 years ago

Its the latest commerial out for pringles. the fury hot. what is that like opera song called. i hope someone knows what im talking about. its the commercial with all the ppl sweating and then the music starts.
# 13 20 years ago

what is the title of the classical song that is played in the new pringles commercial
# 14 20 years ago

> > hey, anybody, what is the title of that techno music (sounds like)in the pringles commercial with one girl and two guys eating pringles.they were showing things that are shaped like pringles while they were dancing with that music?
> I love that commercial and song. It's called Where's your head at by basment jaxx
# 15 19 years ago

>Hey can anybody tell me what that one song that sounds like a symphony for the pringles spicy commercial?
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