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Zest ad? - lady in elevator "Hellooo!"

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# 1 21 years ago

I would like to find this one online.
It goes like this: A man going about his day. Apparently he smells good after using Zest body wash or soap (might be another brand?). Everyone notices. The commercial ends with the man in an elevator with an older lady leaning into him and greeting him sweetly, 'Hellooo...' It is just so silly.
I have only seen it a handful of times in recent months.
Has anyone seen it?
# 2 21 years ago

> I would like to find this one online.
the Zest soap commerical that has the man goin around his household putting clips on everyone's nose.then he gets in the shower and forgets that he didn't put a clip on the dogs nose. I've seen this twice and have waited for another to show my husband and I haven't seen it again since.
: It goes like this: A man going about his day. Apparently he smells good after using Zest body wash or soap (might be another brand?). Everyone notices. The commercial ends with the man in an elevator with an older lady leaning into him and greeting him sweetly, 'Hellooo...' It is just so silly.
> I have only seen it a handful of times in recent months.
> Has anyone seen it?
: Online?

# 3 20 years ago

I've seen the commercial before, but it has been the longest time myself. I believe it is an Irish Spring commercial anyway. The only zest commercial that I know of is where this man clothespins his family's noses shut so they won't be able to smell what he is washing himself with.

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