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Song from Diet Coke with Lime Commercial

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# 16 19 years ago

> > Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the woman is standing on the corner and the green bubbles are flying around. Thanks.
# 17 19 years ago

> I'm not sure if its the same one but I want to know the song in the commercial for Diet Coke Lime that's kinda chilled out with a guy and a buncha other people standing at a bus stop and the green bubbles floating around.....something like "Everything is alright"
# 18 19 years ago

> > Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the girl is rollerskating on the beach and doing like tricks..? thanks
# 19 19 years ago

> > Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the woman is standing on the corner and the green bubbles are flying around. Thanks.
# 20 19 years ago

> > Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the woman is standing on the corner and the green bubbles are flying around. Thanks.

>The song is Paul Oakenfold - Starry Eyed Surprise!! Love it!!
# 21 19 years ago

> > Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the woman is standing on the corner and the green bubbles are flying around. Thanks.
ya, the band name is "Mellowdrone" and the song is called "
Beautifull day"
# 22 19 years ago

> > paul oakenfold-starry eyed suprise
# 23 19 years ago

> > Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the woman is standing on the corner and the green bubbles are flying around. Thanks.
The gift of Gab, the way of the light
# 24 19 years ago

> > Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the woman is standing on the corner and the green bubbles are flying around. Thanks.
# 25 19 years ago

> > Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the woman is standing on the corner and the green bubbles are flying around. Thanks.
# 26 19 years ago

> Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the woman is standing on the corner and the green bubbles are flying around. Thanks.
# 27 19 years ago

> Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the guy is standing at the bus stop. Thanks.
# 28 19 years ago

> Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the woman is standing on the corner and the green bubbles are flying around. Thanks.
# 29 19 years ago

> The song is called Starry Eyed Suprise by Paul Oakenfold

Anyone know what song that is in the new Diet Coke with Lime commercials? I'm talking specifically about the one where the woman is standing on the corner and the green bubbles are flying around. Thanks.
# 30 19 years ago

Truth Seeker
So it has come to this. One of the most innovative MCs of our generation has sold out to the Coca-Cola Corporation. I can't forget my shock when I first heard "Way of Light" by the Gift of Gab...on a television commercial advertising Diet Coke with Lime. How could an artist seemingly so conscious, who represented everything that was right about hip-hop, help advertise for a company with such an appalling human rights record? Mr. Parker, did you ever stop to think about the Colombian factory workers who were tortured and murdered by paramilitaries for trying to acheive a decent standard of living at Coca-Cola's bottling plants? Or the villagers whose groundwater was stolen by one of Coke's bottling plants near Plachimada, India leaving little for their own needs? Or the multi-million dollar propaganda campaigns Coca-Cola has funded to deflect attention from these atrocities? I'm still in a state of disbelief. The only way for you to redeem your artistic credibility now is for you to take all the money you made from Coca-Cola and put it into the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke. They can be reached at Gift, say it ain't so. Not for me, but for Isidro Segundo Gil. He's dead, and his children live in hiding.

Thank you,
Truth Seeker
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