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Sony Space Commerical..

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know the song playing during the Sony commerical where (Dennis Tito?) is preparing to be the space tourist???

# 2 21 years ago

Im almost a hundred percent sure its alana davis. ive been looking for it on kazaa for a while now with no luck so far. If anyone finds it, PLEASE PLEASE email me. Thanks so much!
# 3 21 years ago

: Im almost a hundred percent sure its alana davis. ive been looking for it on kazaa for a while now with no luck so far. If anyone finds it, PLEASE PLEASE email me. Thanks so much!
: ~missy
I think the name of the song is 'Carry on' a CSN and Y song. I don't know who is singing it.

# 4 21 years ago

> :
:> Im almost a hundred percent sure its alana davis. ive been looking for it on kazaa for a while now with no luck so far. If anyone finds it, PLEASE PLEASE email me. Thanks so much!
:> ~missy
> I think the name of the song is 'Carry on' a CSN and Y song. I don't know who is singing it.
It is definitely Crosby, Stills and Nash's Carry On but i too am dying to find out who sings it. I checked amazon for Alana Davis but none of her cd's had the song. How 'bout Flora Purim, a Brazilian jazz singer. She did a version back in '79?

# 5 21 years ago

> :>
:> : Im almost a hundred percent sure its alana davis. ive been looking for it on kazaa for a while now with no luck so far. If anyone finds it, PLEASE PLEASE email me. Thanks so much!
:> : ~missy
>> I think the name of the song is 'Carry on' a CSN and Y song. I don't know who is singing it.
> It is definitely Crosby, Stills and Nash's Carry On but i too am dying to find out who sings it. I checked amazon for Alana Davis but none of her cd's had the song. How 'bout Flora Purim, a Brazilian jazz singer. She did a version back in '79?
: Bob

It is Alana, as contained on the Sony website.

# 6 21 years ago

> :> :
:> :> Im almost a hundred percent sure its alana davis. ive been looking for it on kazaa for a while now with no luck so far. If anyone finds it, PLEASE PLEASE email me. Thanks so much!
:> :> ~missy
>> : I think the name of the song is 'Carry on' a CSN and Y song. I don't know who is singing it.
>> It is definitely Crosby, Stills and Nash's Carry On but i too am dying to find out who sings it. I checked amazon for Alana Davis but none of her cd's had the song. How 'bout Flora Purim, a Brazilian jazz singer. She did a version back in '79?
:> Bob
: Guys,
> It is Alana, as contained on the Sony website.
Whoa! Slap my forehead. I went back to the sony website and there it was. I hope she puts out a CD based on the song.

# 7 21 years ago

> :> :
:> :> Im almost a hundred percent sure its alana davis. ive been looking for it on kazaa for a while now with no luck so far. If anyone finds it, PLEASE PLEASE email me. Thanks so much!
:> :> ~missy
>> : I think the name of the song is 'Carry on' a CSN and Y song. I don't know who is singing it.
>> It is definitely Crosby, Stills and Nash's Carry On but i too am dying to find out who sings it. I checked amazon for Alana Davis but none of her cd's had the song. How 'bout Flora Purim, a Brazilian jazz singer. She did a version back in '79?
:> Bob
: Guys,
> It is Alana, as contained on the Sony website.
hey boy whats up? Not much here just writing to you so how old are you?
(All 7 messages )

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