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Does anyone know the son in the I-ZONE Fortune Film commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Please someone let me know what the name of the sog rom the ost recent poloroid I-ZONE fortune film commercial is. There are two girls in th sotre and one guy and theytake apcitrue of each other. all i know is the chorus to the song.... 'if this is the life, why does it feel, the way it feels when im....'
please if anyone could let me know I LOVE the way that song sounds. thanks.. email me or respond here
# 2 20 years ago

Yep - the song is
Metric - Grow Up and Blow Away
# 3 21 years ago

e-mail me and i'll tell you. if you don't already know. if you do know could you tell me how you found it
btw i'll let you download if you like if you can't find it

# 4 21 years ago

'The song is called Grow Up and Blow Away by a New York-based duo called Metric. As of January 2002, the band had signed a deal with LA-based label Restless Records but had not yet released any recordings to the public. However, Grow Up and Blow Away has been sighted on several MP3 download sites.'

# 5 21 years ago

The song is grow up and blow away by Metric

# 6 20 years ago

It's 'Grow up and Blow Away' by Metric

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