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name of poem

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# 1 21 years ago

What is name of the poem and author in the Chev/Tahoe commercial read by James Garner? Something like 'Nobody Knows But Me'.
# 2 21 years ago

Nobody Knows It But Me
There's a place that I travel
When I want to roam,
And nobody knows it but me
The roads don't go there
And the signs stay home
And nobody knows it but me
It's far far away
And way way afar
It's over the moon and the sea
And wherever you're going
That's wherever you are
And nobody knows it but me
Patrick O'Leary

# 3 21 years ago

> What is name of the poem and author in the Chev/Tahoe commercial read by James Garner? Something like 'Nobody Knows But Me'.

# 4 21 years ago

> What is name of the poem and author in the Chev/Tahoe commercial read by James Garner? Something like 'Nobody Knows But Me'.
'Nobody Knows It But Me'
Patrick O'Leary
There's a place that I travel
When I want to roam,
And nobody knows it but me.
The roads don't go there
And the signs stay home,
And nobody knows it but me.
It's far far away
And way way afar,
It's over the moon and the sea,
And wherever you're going
that's wherever you are.
And nobody knows it but me
(All 4 messages )

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