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Mitsubishi Montero

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# 1 22 years ago

who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
# 2 22 years ago

> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...

# 3 22 years ago

Blech, I'm looking for that too. No one seems to have seen the commerical. :\
> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...

# 4 22 years ago

It's 20th Century Boy by T. Rex.
# 5 21 years ago

Placebo - 20th Century Boy

# 6 22 years ago

I know the music to the Montero Sport Commercial. I just can't put a finger on it. It's bugging me to death. If you find out who it is, please forward it to me. I will do the same. Thanks

# 7 22 years ago

> : who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...

I a also interested in the music for that commercial!
Let me know if you find out anything!
# 8 22 years ago

> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...

# 9 22 years ago

> :> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
: I a also interested in the music for that commercial!
: Let me know if you find out anything!
> Thanks!
> M
Seems it's a song called Twentieth Century Boy, written by Mark Bolan, performed by the Big Six.
Lyrics available at the following URL
# 10 22 years ago

> :> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
The Music is done by a group called T-Rex, and the song is called 20th Century Boy

# 11 22 years ago

> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
'20th Century Boy' by T. Rex :o)

# 12 22 years ago

> :> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
: I a also interested in the music for that commercial!
: Let me know if you find out anything!
> Thanks!
> M
The song is by t-rex...'20th century boy'. Doesn't it just rock?
# 13 22 years ago

> I know the music to the Montero Sport Commercial. I just can't put a finger on it. It's bugging me to death. If you find out who it is, please forward it to me. I will do the same. Thanks
nevermind the damn song!Who's the gorgeous girl that they give you a short glimpse of?
# 14 22 years ago

It's by T. Rex. Also known as Marc Bolan and T. Rex. The song is 20th Century Boy.

# 15 22 years ago


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