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White Chicks soundtrack

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# 1 19 years ago

does any one know the name of that song where the bald black guy(forgot his name) is on the dance floor with his shirt off when he took his own date rape drugs.-----the one when he has the whistle in his mouth-----
# 2 19 years ago

> does any one know the name of that song where the bald black guy(forgot his name) is on the dance floor with his shirt off when he took his own date rape drugs.-----the one when he has the whistle in his mouth-----

its "Satisfaction"
Written by Alle Benassi
Performed by Benny Benassi featuring The Biz
Courtesy of Energy Production srl, Italy
Under license from Ultra Records

hope that helps :-)...took me about half an hour to find it, had to download the entire soundtrack lol
# 3 19 years ago

Satisfaction - Benny Benassi
# 4 19 years ago

> does any one know the name of that song where the bald black guy sang it in the car with marlon wayans to make the big bald black guy go away before their date.
# 5 19 years ago

Satisfaction - Benni Benassi

> does any one know the name of that song where the bald black guy(forgot his name) is on the dance floor with his shirt off when he took his own date rape drugs.-----the one when he has the whistle in his mouth-----
# 6 19 years ago

> does any one know the name of that song where the bald black guy(forgot his name) is on the dance floor with his shirt off when he took his own date rape drugs.-----the one when he has the whistle in his mouth-----

ya I belive the song is called Satisfaction by benny benassi
# 7 19 years ago

> does any one know the name of that song where the bald black guy(forgot his name) is on the dance floor with his shirt off when he took his own date rape drugs.-----the one when he has the whistle in his mouth-----
# 8 19 years ago

Is there a sound track for the movie white chicks? If so where can i buy it from?

Thanks Heaps
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