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Levis commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

The commerical called "Nice Try" linked here: doesn't have the song listed. Anyone know who it is?
# 2 19 years ago

Song for that commerical is called The Zutons - Pressure Point

> The commerical called "Nice Try" linked here: doesn't have the song listed. Anyone know who it is?
# 3 19 years ago

> The commerical called "Nice Try" linked here: doesn't have the song listed. Anyone know who it is?

The song is by the Zutons, its called Pressure Point from the album Who Killed the Zutons.
# 4 19 years ago

This is the one where the girl gets treed by the dog, and the dog grabs the pants back and gives it to owner? Who is she?

> > The commerical called "Nice Try" linked here: doesn't have the song listed. Anyone know who it is?
> The song is by the Zutons, its called Pressure Point from the album Who Killed the Zutons.
# 5 19 years ago

> The commerical called "Nice Try" linked here: doesn't have the song listed. Anyone know who it is?

It's the Zutons, the song is pressure point. They're pretty good, they've got a saxophone!
# 6 19 years ago

> The commerical called "Nice Try" linked here: doesn't have the song listed. Anyone know who it is?

I LOVE that commercial!!!!!! and would also like to know the name of the song......
# 7 19 years ago

did you find out who the girl is? if you do can u let me know

> This is the one where the girl gets treed by the dog, and the dog grabs the pants back and gives it to owner? Who is she?
> > > The commerical called "Nice Try" linked here: doesn't have the song listed. Anyone know who it is?
> >
> > The song is by the Zutons, its called Pressure Point from the album Who Killed the Zutons.
# 8 18 years ago

hey who is the guy that model the jeans in the new advert for levis? hes the one that is in the ice cream van?

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