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car commercial (as usual)

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# 1 21 years ago

todd tidd
ok there is a car commercial where a guy gets out of a car to pump gas and hes acting like he forgot something and so his wife (or girlfriend whatever)rolls down the window and hands him a credit card. there is this italian sounding song tht goes like 'i would do anything'. Does ne 1 know what that song is called?
# 2 21 years ago

I need to know the artist of this song. I think that the name is 'for your love' and the singer in the saturn commercial isn't the original.
> ok there is a car commercial where a guy gets out of a car to pump gas and hes acting like he forgot something and so his wife (or girlfriend whatever)rolls down the window and hands him a credit card. there is this italian sounding song tht goes like 'i would do anything'. Does ne 1 know what that song is called?

# 3 20 years ago

found it - Ed Townsend, For Your Love
> ok there is a car commercial where a guy gets out of a car to pump gas and hes acting like he forgot something and so his wife (or girlfriend whatever)rolls down the window and hands him a credit card. there is this italian sounding song tht goes like 'i would do anything'. Does ne 1 know what that song is called?

# 4 21 years ago

> I need to know the artist of this song. I think that the name is 'for your love' and the singer in the saturn commercial isn't the original.
>> ok there is a car commercial where a guy gets out of a car to pump gas and hes acting like he forgot something and so his wife (or girlfriend whatever)rolls down the window and hands him a credit card. there is this italian sounding song tht goes like 'i would do anything'. Does ne 1 know what that song is called?
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