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French song from HP camera commercial in the movies

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# 1 20 years ago

I saw I Spy and Harry Potter in the theatre this weekend and before them there was a commercial for Hewlett Packard (for a camera I think) that was of a girl taking pictures of Paris and printing them and putting them up. It had a really fantastic French song to it -- does anyone know what it is?
# 2 21 years ago

Song is Les Sauvages by Les San Culottes. You can find them here.
au bientot
# 3 21 years ago

I dunno...the band sounds right, but the song doesn't match, either in lyrics or instrumentation. Les Sans Culottes ('Those without undergarments') do have some great songs though

: Song is Les Sauvages by Les San Culottes. You can find them here.
> au bientot

# 4 21 years ago

It sounds a little similar, but the one in the commercial is much nicer. I think the one in the commercial sounds a little more old-fashioned, so I think this one might be based on it or something.
Thanks for your help though!
# 5 21 years ago

Bless you more than a bucket of frozen monkeys, Mister Edge.

: Song is Les Sauvages by Les San Culottes. You can find them here.
> au bientot

# 6 21 years ago

Agh! I was looking for the same thing.

# 7 21 years ago

I'm interested too. I love this commercial.. I've checked a bunch of message boards and websites, including no one seems to have any info on this song.
Please let me know.

# 8 21 years ago

Ok, it is sans culotte, but the song is called l'allumeuse (The Tease) You can download it at the website --->
(Note at the top, they mention the song in the commercial as being L'allumeuse)
Glad to help...
# 9 21 years ago

> I saw I Spy and Harry Potter in the theatre this weekend and before them there was a commercial for Hewlett Packard (for a camera I think) that was of a girl taking pictures of Paris and printing them and putting them up. It had a really fantastic French song to it -- does anyone know what it is?

# 10 21 years ago

Ah oui - I do know the song - it is by a band called Les Sans Culottes - from NYC. The song is titled 'L'allumeuse' and you can hear it on our web site (link below).

# 11 21 years ago

Song is actually called 'l'Allumeuse' -- you can find it at the website
# 12 21 years ago

I listened to that song and albeit similar in style - it's not the same song.
The one in the commercial sounds like it is from the 60's and not by some New York band formed in the 90's.

# 13 21 years ago

I know it: it's l'allumeuse by les sans culottes. You can hear it at the link given. It's a great song I spent a long time trying to find. Enjoy! Email my if you need more help.
> I saw I Spy and Harry Potter in the theatre this weekend and before them there was a commercial for Hewlett Packard (for a camera I think) that was of a girl taking pictures of Paris and printing them and putting them up. It had a really fantastic French song to it -- does anyone know what it is?

# 14 20 years ago

> I saw I Spy and Harry Potter in the theatre this weekend and before them there was a commercial for Hewlett Packard (for a camera I think) that was of a girl taking pictures of Paris and printing them and putting them up. It had a really fantastic French song to it -- does anyone know what it is?

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