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# 1 19 years ago


Would you like a free Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube system delivered to your door? If so then read these easy instructions below for info. on how you can get one!!!

NOTE: This best works using Internet Explorer

1) Go to this link:

2) Click on the system that you want (Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube)

3) Scroll down and type in your e-mail address, a password for you account, and your age.

4) Click Sign Up and you will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Check the e-mail that you signed up with and click the link contained in the confirmation e-mail they sent you to continue.

5) Log in to your account.

5) Type in your address into the fields on the screen and go to the next page. Note: you must be a US resident and your gaming system cannot be sent to P.O. Boxes

6) Now go to the "Offers" page and complete on of the offers listed. Note: Make sure that you complete an offer from the Prizecube website or you may not receive credit for completing the offer that you choose

7) You should receive credit within 24 hours if you did everything correctly.

8) Now just get 3 of your friends to sign up using your referral link! You can find the link under the "Refer Friends" page. You can also e-mail them using the form provided on that page

9) That's it! Prizecube with make sure that you did everything correctly and to their Terms and Conditions and if you didn't try to cheat they will sent you your free gaming system!!!

That's all there is to it! If you need any help or have any questions post them here or e-mail me:! Thank you!


# 2 19 years ago

> Hello,
> Would you like a free Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube system delivered to your door? If so then read these easy instructions below for info. on how you can get one!!!
> NOTE: This best works using Internet Explorer
> 1) Go to this link:
> 2) Click on the system that you want (Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube)
> 3) Scroll down and type in your e-mail address, a password for you account, and your age.
> 4) Click Sign Up and you will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Check the e-mail that you signed up with and click the link contained in the confirmation e-mail they sent you to continue.
> 5) Log in to your account.
> 5) Type in your address into the fields on the screen and go to the next page. Note: you must be a US resident and your gaming system cannot be sent to P.O. Boxes
> 6) Now go to the "Offers" page and complete on of the offers listed. Note: Make sure that you complete an offer from the Prizecube website or you may not receive credit for completing the offer that you choose
> 7) You should receive credit within 24 hours if you did everything correctly.
> 8) Now just get 3 of your friends to sign up using your referral link! You can find the link under the "Refer Friends" page. You can also e-mail them using the form provided on that page
> 9) That's it! Prizecube with make sure that you did everything correctly and to their Terms and Conditions and if you didn't try to cheat they will sent you your free gaming system!!!
> That's all there is to it! If you need any help or have any questions post them here or e-mail me:! Thank you!
> -TSSFan
# 3 19 years ago

> Hello,
> Would you like a free Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube system delivered to your door? If so then read these easy instructions below for info. on how you can get one!!!
> NOTE: This best works using Internet Explorer
> 1) Go to this link:
> 2) Click on the system that you want (Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube)
> 3) Scroll down and type in your e-mail address, a password for you account, and your age.
> 4) Click Sign Up and you will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Check the e-mail that you signed up with and click the link contained in the confirmation e-mail they sent you to continue.
> 5) Log in to your account.
> 5) Type in your address into the fields on the screen and go to the next page. Note: you must be a US resident and your gaming system cannot be sent to P.O. Boxes
> 6) Now go to the "Offers" page and complete on of the offers listed. Note: Make sure that you complete an offer from the Prizecube website or you may not receive credit for completing the offer that you choose
> 7) You should receive credit within 24 hours if you did everything correctly.
> 8) Now just get 3 of your friends to sign up using your referral link! You can find the link under the "Refer Friends" page. You can also e-mail them using the form provided on that page
> 9) That's it! Prizecube with make sure that you did everything correctly and to their Terms and Conditions and if you didn't try to cheat they will sent you your free gaming system!!!
> That's all there is to it! If you need any help or have any questions post them here or e-mail me:! Thank you!
> -TSSFan
# 4 19 years ago

> Hello,
> Would you like a free Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube system delivered to your door? If so then read these easy instructions below for info. on how you can get one!!!
> NOTE: This best works using Internet Explorer
> 1) Go to this link:
> 2) Click on the system that you want (Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube)
> 3) Scroll down and type in your e-mail address, a password for you account, and your age.
> 4) Click Sign Up and you will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Check the e-mail that you signed up with and click the link contained in the confirmation e-mail they sent you to continue.
> 5) Log in to your account.
> 5) Type in your address into the fields on the screen and go to the next page. Note: you must be a US resident and your gaming system cannot be sent to P.O. Boxes
> 6) Now go to the "Offers" page and complete on of the offers listed. Note: Make sure that you complete an offer from the Prizecube website or you may not receive credit for completing the offer that you choose
> 7) You should receive credit within 24 hours if you did everything correctly.
> 8) Now just get 3 of your friends to sign up using your referral link! You can find the link under the "Refer Friends" page. You can also e-mail them using the form provided on that page
> 9) That's it! Prizecube with make sure that you did everything correctly and to their Terms and Conditions and if you didn't try to cheat they will sent you your free gaming system!!!
> That's all there is to it! If you need any help or have any questions post them here or e-mail me:! Thank you!
> -TSSFan
# 5 18 years ago

> Hello,
> Would you like a free Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube system delivered to your door? If so then read these easy instructions below for info. on how you can get one!!!
> NOTE: This best works using Internet Explorer
> 1) Go to this link:
> 2) Click on the system that you want (Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube)
> 3) Scroll down and type in your e-mail address, a password for you account, and your age.
> 4) Click Sign Up and you will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Check the e-mail that you signed up with and click the link contained in the confirmation e-mail they sent you to continue.
> 5) Log in to your account.
> 5) Type in your address into the fields on the screen and go to the next page. Note: you must be a US resident and your gaming system cannot be sent to P.O. Boxes
> 6) Now go to the "Offers" page and complete on of the offers listed. Note: Make sure that you complete an offer from the Prizecube website or you may not receive credit for completing the offer that you choose
> 7) You should receive credit within 24 hours if you did everything correctly.
> 8) Now just get 3 of your friends to sign up using your referral link! You can find the link under the "Refer Friends" page. You can also e-mail them using the form provided on that page
> 9) That's it! Prizecube with make sure that you did everything correctly and to their Terms and Conditions and if you didn't try to cheat they will sent you your free gaming system!!!
> That's all there is to it! If you need any help or have any questions post them here or e-mail me:! Thank you!
> -TSSFan
# 6 16 years ago

> Hello,
> Would you like a free Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube system delivered to your door? If so then read these easy instructions below for info. on how you can get one!!!
> NOTE: This best works using Internet Explorer
> 1) Go to this link:
> 2) Click on the system that you want (Xbox, PS2, or Gamecube)
> 3) Scroll down and type in your e-mail address, a password for you account, and your age.
> 4) Click Sign Up and you will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Check the e-mail that you signed up with and click the link contained in the confirmation e-mail they sent you to continue.
> 5) Log in to your account.
> 5) Type in your address into the fields on the screen and go to the next page. Note: you must be a US resident and your gaming system cannot be sent to P.O. Boxes
> 6) Now go to the "Offers" page and complete on of the offers listed. Note: Make sure that you complete an offer from the Prizecube website or you may not receive credit for completing the offer that you choose
> 7) You should receive credit within 24 hours if you did everything correctly.
> 8) Now just get 3 of your friends to sign up using your referral link! You can find the link under the "Refer Friends" page. You can also e-mail them using the form provided on that page
> 9) That's it! Prizecube with make sure that you did everything correctly and to their Terms and Conditions and if you didn't try to cheat they will sent you your free gaming system!!!
> That's all there is to it! If you need any help or have any questions post them here or e-mail me:! Thank you!
> -TSSFan
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