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da da da da da da da

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# 1 19 years ago

anyone know the name of the song in a an old car commercial where a car is driving into a sunset and then speeds up so the sun is higher in the sky. the song is a girl singing and the chorus is "dada daada da da daada". it is not the da da da song of recent time. thanx
# 2 19 years ago

> anyone know the name of the song in a an old car commercial where a car is driving into a sunset and then speeds up so the sun is higher in the sky. the song is a girl singing and the chorus is "dada daada da da daada". it is not the da da da song of recent time. thanx
> chris
# 3 19 years ago

> anyone know the name of the song in a an old car commercial where a car is driving into a sunset and then speeds up so the sun is higher in the sky. the song is a girl singing and the chorus is "dada daada da da daada". it is not the da da da song of recent time. thanx
> chris
# 4 19 years ago

It's by a band called Trio. They are from Germany, I believe.

> > anyone know the name of the song in a an old car commercial where a car is driving into a sunset and then speeds up so the sun is higher in the sky. the song is a girl singing and the chorus is "dada daada da da daada". it is not the da da da song of recent time. thanx
> > chris
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