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VW Beetle Convertible Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anybody know the name of the song/band that plays the background music in the VW Beetle Convertible Commercial in the movie theatres? The commericial is basicially about a guy who works a firm and gets up every day and puts on a different suit and tie and goes to work....Thanks y'all
# 2 21 years ago

> Does anybody know the name of the song/band that plays the background music in the VW Beetle Convertible Commercial in the movie theatres? The commericial is basicially about a guy who works a firm and gets up every day and puts on a different suit and tie and goes to work....Thanks y'all
It;s NICK DRAKE and the song is PINK MOON.
# 3 21 years ago

> Does anybody know the name of the song/band that plays the background music in the VW Beetle Convertible Commercial in the movie theatres? The commericial is basicially about a guy who works a firm and gets up every day and puts on a different suit and tie and goes to work....Thanks y'all
The song is 'MR. BLUE SKY' by ELO...amazing that it sounds new but it was from the 70s.

# 4 21 years ago

The song is called Mr. Blue Sky. It was originally done by Electric Light Orchestra in the 70s but the version in the commercial is a cover. I don't know who performs it. If you find out, please post a follow-up because I'm trying to find out as well. Thanks.
# 5 21 years ago

> : Does anybody know the name of the song/band that plays the background music in the VW Beetle Convertible Commercial in the movie theatres? The commericial is basicially about a guy who works a firm and gets up every day and puts on a different suit and tie and goes to work....Thanks y'all
> It;s NICK DRAKE and the song is PINK MOON.
PINK MOON is the acoustic song in the VW Cabriolet commercial...the one at night with them driving with the top down. beautiful song. the new commercial, which i _think_ is only playing in theaters right now, is seriously one of the best commercials i've ever seen.
if anyone ever finds a download of it, let me know!!! i'd love to get a copy without the $70 subscription to

# 6 21 years ago

> : Does anybody know the name of the song/band that plays the background music in the VW Beetle Convertible Commercial in the movie theatres? The commericial is basicially about a guy who works a firm and gets up every day and puts on a different suit and tie and goes to work....Thanks y'all
> It;s NICK DRAKE and the song is PINK MOON.
He didn't ask what the song in the VW CABRIO commercial is.

# 7 21 years ago

Speed kitty
> :> Does anybody know the name of the song/band that plays the background music in the VW Beetle Convertible Commercial in the movie theatres? The commericial is basicially about a guy who works a firm and gets up every day and puts on a different suit and tie and goes to work....Thanks y'all
>> It;s NICK DRAKE and the song is PINK MOON.
> PINK MOON is the acoustic song in the VW Cabriolet commercial...the one at night with them driving with the top down. beautiful song. the new commercial, which i _think_ is only playing in theaters right now, is seriously one of the best commercials i've ever seen.
> if anyone ever finds a download of it, let me know!!! i'd love to get a copy without the $70 subscription to
> rockin'...
: .frankiejr
Apparently VW got wise and decided to put out a cd of their commercial songs. It's called VW Street Mix Vol. I and contians Pink Moon and the Mr. Roboto song by Styx as well as Da, Da, Da, and songs by Hooverphonic, Spiritualized and others. You can only order it off and it's only $10!
-- Speed Kitty

# 8 21 years ago

> : Does anybody know the name of the song/band that plays the background music in the VW Beetle Convertible Commercial in the movie theatres? The commericial is basicially about a guy who works a firm and gets up every day and puts on a different suit and tie and goes to work....Thanks y'all
It's NOT Nick Drake, that's the Cabriolet Commercial. I'm trying to find out as well, but it's definitely a cover of ELO's, Mr. Blue Sky.

# 9 21 years ago

Mr. Blue Sky by ELO can be downloaded on Kazaa.
# 10 21 years ago

> :> Does anybody know the name of the song/band that plays the background music in the VW Beetle Convertible Commercial in the movie theatres? The commericial is basicially about a guy who works a firm and gets up every day and puts on a different suit and tie and goes to work....Thanks y'all
>> It;s NICK DRAKE and the song is PINK MOON.
> PINK MOON is the acoustic song in the VW Cabriolet commercial...the one at night with them driving with the top down. beautiful song. the new commercial, which i _think_ is only playing in theaters right now, is seriously one of the best commercials i've ever seen.
> if anyone ever finds a download of it, let me know!!! i'd love to get a copy without the $70 subscription to
> rockin'...
: .frankiejr

Download Winmax. Free, good quality, and quick hook up. Enjoy.
- Lord Pandiora

# 11 21 years ago

'mr. blue sky' by electric light orchestra

# 12 21 years ago

its NOT nick drake, that was an
> : Does anybody know the name of the song/band that plays the background music in the VW Beetle Convertible Commercial in the movie theatres? The commericial is basicially about a guy who works a firm and gets up every day and puts on a different suit and tie and goes to work....Thanks y'all
> It;s NICK DRAKE and the song is PINK MOON.
>:its NOT nick drake, that was an older commercail. I came here looking for the same song Zack is looking for. If I find it, Ill be back
# 13 21 years ago


nick drake did the jetta or something in 99. This one, with the office guy, is: mr. blue sky - elo (electric light orchestra) - vw beetle convertible
# 14 21 years ago

The song on the commercial is a new version of the ELO song. I believe it is still sung by Jeff Lynne, the lead singer for the orchestra. CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHERE i CAN GET A COPY OF THIS VERSION? I think it's gonna be in the new Nic Cage movie, so it might be on the soundtrack, but if anybody knows of another place, let me know!

# 15 21 years ago

> : Does anybody know the name of the song/band that plays the background music in the VW Beetle Convertible Commercial in the movie theatres? The commericial is basicially about a guy who works a firm and gets up every day and puts on a different suit and tie and goes to work....Thanks y'all
> The song is 'MR. BLUE SKY' by ELO...amazing that it sounds new but it was from the 70s.
> The song on the commercial is a new version of the ELO song. I believe it is still sung by Jeff Lynne, the lead singer for the orchestra. CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHERE i CAN GET A COPY OF THIS VERSION? I think it's gonna be in the new Nic Cage movie, so it might be on the soundtrack, but if anybody knows of another place, let me know!

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