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Volvo s40 commercial, whats the song???

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# 1 19 years ago

anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.

go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
# 2 19 years ago

> anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.

Go Check out this link and listen to PLace your hands:

> go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
# 3 19 years ago

Sweet!!! thanks, been looking for this for awhile. guess not many know cause i believe its a canadian only commercial

> > anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> Go Check out this link and listen to PLace your hands:
> >
> >
> >
> > go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
# 4 19 years ago

> > anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> Go Check out this link and listen to PLace your hands:
> >
> >
> >
> > go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
# 5 19 years ago

> anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.

Hey the song that your looking for is Reef-Place your hands.
# 6 19 years ago

> anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
# 7 19 years ago

> anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
# 8 19 years ago

> anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
# 9 19 years ago

Music Daddy
The song is "Reef - PLace your hands"
# 10 19 years ago

Hi Cheese,

The song is called "Place Your Hands" by Reef. It's from the 1997 album called Glow.


> anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
# 11 19 years ago

The song "This Way" by Dilated Peoples
# 12 19 years ago

its by a british band called "reef" the track is "place your Hands" of the album "Glow" buy this album its a classic!!!!

> anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
# 13 19 years ago

It is "Place Your Hands" by Reef
great commercial, well love the song anyway!

anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
# 14 19 years ago

> > anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> >
> >
> >
> > go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
Hi, I think the song is called Place Your Hands by Reef. Bye!
# 15 19 years ago

I've been trying to find out what song that is, with little luck. let me know if you find what song it is.

> anybody know the song for the new s40 commercial. IT NOT the video game one. its got a bunch of people like 4 or 5 runing around and in the car. the car is grey/silver and its parked on the street. the singer has a raspy kinda voice. i got a link , for the ads.
> go to view, and its from the ad on the top. NOT THE GAME commercial.
(All 15 messages )

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