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Chevy Trailblazer song....please help!!!!

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# 1 19 years ago

There's a brand new commercial for the Chevy Trailblazer and it shows people driving to a concert. The song in the background goes, "i wanna be famous, i wanna be. everyone will know my name" or something close to that effect. Anyway, when they get to the concert, there's a name on the billboard showing the band that's going to the concert but I can't really understand what it says. If anyone has any guess as to what it says on the billboard or knows what the song that's playing is...please reply.

Thanks a bunch in advance!
# 2 19 years ago

> There's a brand new commercial for the Chevy Trailblazer and it shows people driving to a concert. The song in the background goes, "i wanna be famous, i wanna be. everyone will know my name" or something close to that effect. Anyway, when they get to the concert, there's a name on the billboard showing the band that's going to the concert but I can't really understand what it says. If anyone has any guess as to what it says on the billboard or knows what the song that's playing is...please reply.
> Thanks a bunch in advance!
# 3 19 years ago

> There's a brand new commercial for the Chevy Trailblazer and it shows people driving to a concert. The song in the background goes, "i wanna be famous, i wanna be. everyone will know my name" or something close to that effect. Anyway, when they get to the concert, there's a name on the billboard showing the band that's going to the concert but I can't really understand what it says. If anyone has any guess as to what it says on the billboard or knows what the song that's playing is...please reply.
> Thanks a bunch in advance!
# 4 19 years ago

Funny - I stumbled across your posting as I was looking for the same thing. The name on the marquee is "Smith" which was a rock group a while back. I was searching to see if that was them or if the song was attributed to them. So far no luck.
# 5 19 years ago

> There's a brand new commercial for the Chevy Trailblazer and it shows people driving to a concert. The song in the background goes, "i wanna be famous, i wanna be. everyone will know my name" or something close to that effect. Anyway, when they get to the concert, there's a name on the billboard showing the band that's going to the concert but I can't really understand what it says. If anyone has any guess as to what it says on the billboard or knows what the song that's playing is...please reply.
> Thanks a bunch in advance!
# 6 19 years ago

> There's a brand new commercial for the Chevy Trailblazer and it shows people driving to a concert. The song in the background goes, "i wanna be famous, i wanna be. everyone will know my name" or something close to that effect. Anyway, when they get to the concert, there's a name on the billboard showing the band that's going to the concert but I can't really understand what it says. If anyone has any guess as to what it says on the billboard or knows what the song that's playing is...please reply.
> Thanks a bunch in advance!
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