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Commercial with caveman who is insulted by a comment

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# 1 19 years ago

I am looking for the commercial with the caveman who is insulted when a spokesman says "its so easy, a caveman could do it." If anyone could tell me what the company is, I could start there. I am really interested in downloading the ad. Thanks
# 2 19 years ago

> I am looking for the commercial with the caveman who is insulted when a spokesman says "its so easy, a caveman could do it." If anyone could tell me what the company is, I could start there. I am really interested in downloading the ad. Thanks
# 3 19 years ago

> > I am looking for the commercial with the caveman who is insulted when a spokesman says "its so easy, a caveman could do it." If anyone could tell me what the company is, I could start there. I am really interested in downloading the ad. Thanks
> >
# 4 19 years ago

> I am looking for the commercial with the caveman who is insulted when a spokesman says "its so easy, a caveman could do it." If anyone could tell me what the company is, I could start there. I am really interested in downloading the ad. Thanks
> Giecco
# 5 19 years ago

i have been looking for it also, its from a Geico ad.
# 6 19 years ago

> I am looking for the commercial with the caveman who is insulted when a spokesman says "its so easy, a caveman could do it." If anyone could tell me what the company is, I could start there. I am really interested in downloading the ad. Thanks

It is a Geico commercial. I am looking for it too.
# 7 19 years ago

I just watched that commercial on TV. The commercial is for Geico Car Insurance. You can probably download it at

Original message:
> > I am looking for the commercial with the caveman who is insulted when a spokesman says "its so easy, a caveman could do it." If anyone could tell me what the company is, I could start there. I am really interested in downloading the ad. Thanks
> >
# 8 19 years ago

I just watched that commercial on TV. It is for the Geico insurrance company. You may be able to watch the video at
# 9 19 years ago

The commercial is for Geico Insurance

> > I am looking for the commercial with the caveman who is insulted when a spokesman says "its so easy, a caveman could do it." If anyone could tell me what the company is, I could start there. I am really interested in downloading the ad. Thanks
> >
# 10 19 years ago

> I am looking for the commercial with the caveman who is insulted when a spokesman says "its so easy, a caveman could do it." If anyone could tell me what the company is, I could start there. I am really interested in downloading the ad. Thanks
# 11 18 years ago

Its geico and I'm looking for the video too!
# 12 18 years ago

I'm looking for the ad, too. The company was Geico auto insurance.
# 13 18 years ago

> > I am looking for the commercial with the caveman who is insulted when a spokesman says "its so easy, a caveman could do it." If anyone could tell me what the company is, I could start there. I am really interested in downloading the ad. Thanks
> >
# 14 18 years ago

> > I am looking for the commercial with the caveman who is insulted when a spokesman says "its so easy, a caveman could do it." If anyone could tell me what the company is, I could start there. I am really interested in downloading the ad. Thanks
> >
# 15 18 years ago

> Its geico and I'm looking for the video too!
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