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Annoying Hello Moto comm: Stereolab?

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know the music in that Motorola 'hello moto' commercial? The vocals aren't real words... the best I can transcribe them is 'ba ba da da'. It's a woman singing, um I can't think of anything else to describe the music, but it sounds a lot like Stereolab. Can anyone confirm or deny this? This forum is really good at ferreting out this kind of crap.
# 2 21 years ago

Rotation is the act of moving around the centre.
# 3 21 years ago

believe it is by a band named (Adult.)

# 4 21 years ago

: Does anyone know the music in that Motorola 'hello moto' commercial? The vocals aren't real words... the best I can transcribe them is 'ba ba da da'. It's a woman singing, um I can't think of anything else to describe the music, but it sounds a lot like Stereolab. Can anyone confirm or deny this? This forum is really good at ferreting out this kind of crap.
I really want a sample of the the 'hello Moto' part of the advert.
If anyone could point me in the right direction, or even send it to me I would be really grateful.

# 5 21 years ago

I think the one you want is 'Play some D' by Brassy.
# 6 21 years ago

Dj Hippy
The music was done by Ezra G feat Mike Sirkin on Sax & Flute, Kelly LeMieux on bass More info at this website.
# 7 21 years ago

Richard Foster
The song isn't by stereolab its Lemon Jelly and the song is called In The Bath. Hope that helps you. :-)

# 8 21 years ago

The song you are probably looking for is Heartfixer by De-Phazz. You can hear a sample on the UK site, link in the optional URL section. I've been looking for the other Hello Moto commercial music with no luck. - Pat
> Does anyone know the music in that Motorola 'hello moto' commercial? The vocals aren't real words... the best I can transcribe them is 'ba ba da da'. It's a woman singing, um I can't think of anything else to describe the music, but it sounds a lot like Stereolab. Can anyone confirm or deny this? This forum is really good at ferreting out this kind of crap.

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