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new hummer commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

any body looking for the song on the new hummer comercial with the silver hummer well here it is. the band is rhythm of snow and the song is called getting closer to an unknown goal.
# 2 19 years ago

> any body looking for the song on the new hummer comercial with the silver hummer well here it is. the band is rhythm of snow and the song is called getting closer to an unknown goal.
How can I purchase the album with this song?
# 3 19 years ago

> any body looking for the song on the new hummer comercial with the silver hummer well here it is. the band is rhythm of snow and the song is called getting closer to an unknown goal.
Thanks that song is amazing. Just wanted to find out. Appreciate it
# 4 19 years ago

actually i think the song is by the album leaf. albums are very available. I can't remember how the commercial went, so i cant remember which album leaf song it was, i think either "in between the lines", "vermillion",
# 5 19 years ago

Umm - in regards to the new hummer commercial, the band is actually called "Tha Album Leaf" According to The song name is as you said: Getting Closer To An Unknown Goal.

> any body looking for the song on the new hummer comercial with the silver hummer well here it is. the band is rhythm of snow and the song is called getting closer to an unknown goal.
# 6 19 years ago

I am sorry - you're abolutely right, there is a commercial with that song by the band you indicated. There is also another commercial with "The Album Leaf" and the song is actually called Vermillion - very nice ditty. You can go to & by clicking on hummer world & then commercials - you can find all of this out & more!!

> any body looking for the song on the new hummer comercial with the silver hummer well here it is. the band is rhythm of snow and the song is called getting closer to an unknown goal.
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