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Re: Mitsubishi song

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# 1 19 years ago

What's the title of the song being used in the current Mitsubishi Motors TV ad campaign? And who's the artist/s performing it? d**n effective little ditty. Haven't been able to get it out of my head for days (altho' I haven't made a downpayment for a new Mitsubishi yet ...)


# 2 19 years ago

> What's the title of the song being used in the current Mitsubishi Motors TV ad campaign? And who's the artist/s performing it? d**n effective little ditty. Haven't been able to get it out of my head for days (altho' I haven't made a downpayment for a new Mitsubishi yet ...)
> Cheers

Try this site
> Steve
# 3 19 years ago

> What's the title of the song being used in the current Mitsubishi Motors TV ad campaign? And who's the artist/s performing it? d**n effective little ditty. Haven't been able to get it out of my head for days (altho' I haven't made a downpayment for a new Mitsubishi yet ...)
> Cheers
> Steve

Steve are you reffering to the Dirty Vagas track that they used... you know the one with the lady all grovin out in her chair
while there just drivin along
# 4 19 years ago

The song is Draggin The Line by Tommy James
# 5 19 years ago

> What's the title of the song being used in the current Mitsubishi Motors TV ad campaign? And who's the artist/s performing it? d**n effective little ditty. Haven't been able to get it out of my head for days (altho' I haven't made a downpayment for a new Mitsubishi yet ...)
> Cheers
> Steve
# 6 19 years ago

Just Helpin'
Draggin' the line - Tommy James and the Shondells
# 7 19 years ago


I had also searched for this strange song for a while: it´s called Planet Funk - The switch, but (my opinion) the short sequence in the campaign didn´t live up to its promise

> What's the title of the song being used in the current Mitsubishi Motors TV ad campaign? And who's the artist/s performing it? d**n effective little ditty. Haven't been able to get it out of my head for days (altho' I haven't made a downpayment for a new Mitsubishi yet ...)
> Cheers
> Steve
# 8 19 years ago

What's the title of the song being used in the current Mitsubishi Motors TV ad campaign? the one where all the men are on the side of the road just to repair what ever ane when ever somethingt happens. And who's the artist/s performing it? d**n effective little ditty. Haven't been able to get it out of my head for days as well. i know it is an oldie, but a goodie.
# 9 19 years ago

Hi Steve....the name of that song is 'Draggin' the Line' by Tommy James and the Shondells.....I'm sure you've heard of some of their other music ...Hanky Panky, Crimson & Cloover, Crystal Blue Persuasion, Mony Mony......FABULOUS MUSIC!!!

# 10 19 years ago

The song is Draggin' The Line by Tommy James & The Shondells

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