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the lord of the rings

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# 1 21 years ago

i just saw the new trailer for the lord of the rings: the two towers, there was a song playing closer to the end of it I need name/artist
plzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!! help!!!!
# 2 21 years ago

> i just saw the new trailer for the lord of the rings: the two towers, there was a song playing closer to the end of it I need name/artist
> plzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!! help!!!!
The music is from the movie Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack, try kazaa and download the song from there called 'Lux Aeterna'
# 3 21 years ago

> : i just saw the new trailer for the lord of the rings: the two towers, there was a song playing closer to the end of it I need name/artist
>> plzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!! help!!!!
> The music is from the movie Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack, try kazaa and download the song from there called 'Lux Aeterna'

thnx man!

# 4 21 years ago

> i just saw the new trailer for the lord of the rings: the two towers, there was a song playing closer to the end of it I need name/artist
> plzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!! help!!!!
was it something with a violin? during a part when the armies are fighting against each other?

# 5 21 years ago

> i just saw the new trailer for the lord of the rings: the two towers, there was a song playing closer to the end of it I need name/artist
> plzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!! help!!!!
its from requium of a dream (movie)
# 6 21 years ago

> i just saw the new trailer for the lord of the rings: the two towers, there was a song playing closer to the end of it I need name/artist
> plzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!! help!!!!

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