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2 ads - would like to know artists, pleaseee!

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# 1 21 years ago

1) Lincoln Navigator - the cool jazz music also in the new lincoln towncar ad
2) New Pentium Ad - sounds like a dance mix of some old disco song...definitely cool and catchy...
Thanks a lot!
# 2 21 years ago

> 1) Lincoln Navigator - the cool jazz music also in the new lincoln towncar ad
> 2) New Pentium Ad - sounds like a dance mix of some old disco song...definitely cool and catchy...
> Thanks a lot!

OK - found answer to 1) - archives helped out

# 3 21 years ago

It's 'Get a Move On' by Mr. Scruff, sold under 'dance/electronic(a)'. and i know this song is at least 7 yrs old because i remember watching the video on mtv's Amp.
# 4 21 years ago

> 1) Lincoln Navigator - the cool jazz music also in the new lincoln towncar ad
> 2) New Pentium Ad - sounds like a dance mix of some old disco song...definitely cool and catchy...
> Thanks a lot!
2) 'Do Your Thing' by Basement Jaxx
# 5 21 years ago

> It's 'Get a Move On' by Mr. Scruff, sold under 'dance/electronic(a)'. and i know this song is at least 7 yrs old because i remember watching the video on mtv's Amp.
LOL..yeah, I did a search from the home page, but that didnt work, so I posted, then I decided to scroll thru page by page and found it..I searched for Lincoln, Navigator and Town Car... Thanks!
# 6 21 years ago

Kudos! - Josh. You were 100% on
2) 'Do Your Thing' by Basement Jaxx

# 7 20 years ago

> : 1) Lincoln Navigator - the cool jazz music also in the new lincoln towncar ad
>> 2) New Pentium Ad - sounds like a dance mix of some old disco song...definitely cool and catchy...
>> Thanks a lot!
> i would like to know too! what is the answer to 1!!!
: OK - found answer to 1) - archives helped out

# 8 20 years ago

> : 1) Lincoln Navigator - the cool jazz music also in the new lincoln towncar ad
>> 2) New Pentium Ad - sounds like a dance mix of some old disco song...definitely cool and catchy...
>> Thanks a lot!
> i would like to know too! what is the answer to 1!!!
: OK - found answer to 1) - archives helped out

# 9 21 years ago

> 1) Lincoln Navigator - the cool jazz music also in the new lincoln towncar ad
> 2) New Pentium Ad - sounds like a dance mix of some old disco song...definitely cool and catchy...
> Thanks a lot!

# 10 18 years ago

In your free time, check some relevant information on bet ...
# 11 18 years ago

In your free time, check some information in the field of price - Tons of interesdting stuff!!!
(All 11 messages )

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