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Charts - WHY NO UPDATES???!!!

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# 1 22 years ago

Why, when you can vote for an act, don't they appear in the top 50 charts? Does it only apply to US singles?
# 2 22 years ago

Our charts are update weekly!
So when you vote for a specific artist, your additional vote will appear after the next chart update.
The charts are updated each monday. Please be patient...
> Why, when you can vote for an act, don't they appear in the top 50 charts? Does it only apply to US singles?

# 3 22 years ago

I voted for Thirteen:13 after seeing them on T4 Sunday on Channel 4 and they haven't been updated.

: Hi!
> Our charts are update weekly!
> So when you vote for a specific artist, your additional vote will appear after the next chart update.
: The charts are updated each monday. Please be patient...
>> Why, when you can vote for an act, don't they appear in the top 50 charts? Does it only apply to US singles?

# 4 22 years ago

It's Tuesday and they still haven't bro! lol!!
> I voted for Thirteen:13 after seeing them on T4 Sunday on Channel 4 and they haven't been updated.
:> Hi!
>> Our charts are update weekly!
>> So when you vote for a specific artist, your additional vote will appear after the next chart update.
:> The charts are updated each monday. Please be patient...
>> : Why, when you can vote for an act, don't they appear in the top 50 charts? Does it only apply to US singles?

# 5 22 years ago

another week is over and the charts are up to date.

> It's Tuesday and they still haven't bro! lol!!
>> I voted for Thirteen:13 after seeing them on T4 Sunday on Channel 4 and they haven't been updated.
:> : Hi!
>> : Our charts are update weekly!
>> : So when you vote for a specific artist, your additional vote will appear after the next chart update.
:> : The charts are updated each monday. Please be patient...
>> :> Why, when you can vote for an act, don't they appear in the top 50 charts? Does it only apply to US singles?

# 6 22 years ago

Marsha Inglis
'Thirteen:13 - 50 Stories'

Number of Ratings:   17
Average Rating:   8.94117647058824
Rounded Av. Rating:   8.94
Okay am I just being ignorant.....but why is this entry not eligible for the chart?

: Just to end this discussion:
> another week is over and the charts are up to date.

:> It's Tuesday and they still haven't bro! lol!!
>> : I voted for Thirteen:13 after seeing them on T4 Sunday on Channel 4 and they haven't been updated.
>> :
:> :> Hi!
>> :> Our charts are update weekly!
>> :> So when you vote for a specific artist, your additional vote will appear after the next chart update.
:> :> The charts are updated each monday. Please be patient...
>> :> : Why, when you can vote for an act, don't they appear in the top 50 charts? Does it only apply to US singles?

# 7 22 years ago

Marko Turner
My point exactly!
> 'Thirteen:13 - 50 Stories'
: Number of Ratings:   17
: Average Rating:   8.94117647058824
> Rounded Av. Rating:   8.94
> Okay am I just being ignorant.....but why is this entry not eligible for the chart?
:> Just to end this discussion:
>> another week is over and the charts are up to date.
:> : It's Tuesday and they still haven't bro! lol!!
>> :> I voted for Thirteen:13 after seeing them on T4 Sunday on Channel 4 and they haven't been updated.
>> :>
:> :> : Hi!
>> :> : Our charts are update weekly!
>> :> : So when you vote for a specific artist, your additional vote will appear after the next chart update.
:> :> : The charts are updated each monday. Please be patient...
>> :> :> Why, when you can vote for an act, don't they appear in the top 50 charts? Does it only apply to US singles?

# 8 19 years ago

ijustwanna ask kung pwede,gusto ko sana humingingi ng free lyrics salahat ng song mo.
# 9 19 years ago

> Why, when you can vote for an act, don't they appear in the top 50 charts? Does it only apply to US singles?
# 10 19 years ago

> Why, when you can vote for an act, don't they appear in the top 50 charts? Does it only apply to US singles?
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