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SNL- Gemini's Twin

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# 1 19 years ago

'lo there peeps-

SNL started these Destiny's Child spoof a couple years back with a skit called Gemini's Twin. does anyone know where i can download some of these? i have only been able to find two so far, one with Lucy Lui and the other with Britney Spears. there are others with Charlize Theron, Gweneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lopez. funny stuff =) thanks.
# 2 19 years ago

> 'lo there peeps-
> SNL started these Destiny's Child spoof a couple years back with a skit called Gemini's Twin. does anyone know where i can download some of these? i have only been able to find two so far, one with Lucy Lui and the other with Britney Spears. there are others with Charlize Theron, Gweneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lopez. funny stuff =) thanks.
# 3 19 years ago

I don't know if you have found these clips or not, but i have all of them except the Jennifer Lopez skit, reason being, because it was a Spoof of MTV cribs and was pretty god awful. If you'd like them, maybe we can figure out someway to get them to you. My e-mail is listed above, and you can e-mail me if you are still interested. I have the Gwenyth Paltrow one, The Charleze Theron one, and one with the Real Destiny's Child and Peirce Brosnen.
# 4 18 years ago

> 'lo there peeps-
> SNL started these Destiny's Child spoof a couple years back with a skit called Gemini's Twin. does anyone know where i can download some of these? i have only been able to find two so far, one with Lucy Lui and the other with Britney Spears. there are others with Charlize Theron, Gweneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lopez. funny stuff =) thanks.
# 5 18 years ago

> 'lo there peeps-
> SNL started these Destiny's Child spoof a couple years back with a skit called Gemini's Twin. does anyone know where i can download some of these? i have only been able to find two so far, one with Lucy Lui and the other with Britney Spears. there are others with Charlize Theron, Gweneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lopez. funny stuff =) thanks.
# 6 18 years ago

> > 'lo there peeps-
> >
> > SNL started these Destiny's Child spoof a couple years back with a skit called Gemini's Twin. does anyone know where i can download some of these? i have only been able to find two so far, one with Lucy Lui and the other with Britney Spears. there are others with Charlize Theron, Gweneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lopez. funny stuff =) thanks.
# 7 17 years ago

> > > 'lo there peeps-
> > >
> > > SNL started these Destiny's Child spoof a couple years back with a skit called Gemini's Twin. does anyone know where i can download some of these? i have only been able to find two so far, one with Lucy Lui and the other with Britney Spears. there are others with Charlize Theron, Gweneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lopez. funny stuff =) thanks.
> >

OMG WHERE DID YOU FIND THE LUCY LUI ONE??!?!? could you send it too mee please
# 8 17 years ago

> > > 'lo there peeps-
> > >
> > > SNL started these Destiny's Child spoof a couple years back with a skit called Gemini's Twin. does anyone know where i can download some of these? i have only been able to find two so far, one with Lucy Lui and the other with Britney Spears. there are others with Charlize Theron, Gweneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lopez. funny stuff =) thanks.
> >

OMG WHERE DID YOU FIND THE LUCY LUI ONE??!?!? could you send it too mee please
# 9 16 years ago

> 'lo there peeps-
> SNL started these Destiny's Child spoof a couple years back with a skit called Gemini's Twin. does anyone know where i can download some of these? i have only been able to find two so far, one with Lucy Lui and the other with Britney Spears. there are others with Charlize Theron, Gweneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lopez. funny stuff =) thanks.
(All 9 messages )

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