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Song from HP Camera Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Hello. I need help locating the name of a song played during an HP camera commercial. It's the one with the woman taking pictures in Paris then taking the pictures and pasting them on the wall.
I did a search here to no avail. Thanks all.
# 2 21 years ago

The band that does the song is called Les sans culottes,
and the song is called 'l'allumeuse'
You have good taste in music :-)
If you like that kind of music, try d/l the song Living room by Pariscombo, its just as good, if not better.
# 3 21 years ago

The band that does the song goes by the name of <> ( and the name of the song is 'l'allumeuse'
If you like that song, try <> by paris combo, it's just as good, if not better...
# 4 20 years ago

> Hello. I need help locating the name of a song played during an HP camera commercial. It's the one with the woman taking pictures in Paris then taking the pictures and pasting them on the wall.
> I did a search here to no avail. Thanks all.
THERE are two different commercials for those cameras, i think. One of them has the song, Pitures Of You, by The Cure.
I'm not sure of the other one.

# 5 20 years ago

> Hello. I need help locating the name of a song played during an HP camera commercial. It's the one with the woman taking pictures in Paris then taking the pictures and pasting them on the wall.
> I did a search here to no avail. Thanks all.
# 6 20 years ago

> Hello. I need help locating the name of a song played during an HP camera commercial. It's the one with the woman taking pictures in Paris then taking the pictures and pasting them on the wall.
> I did a search here to no avail. Thanks all.
# 7 19 years ago

> Hi. I was hoping this was an answer for me, but actually, the commercial I saw is new. It is May, 2004. I don't really know what kind of HP product it is. I'm so excited to hear that song that I never pay attention. Someone please help me out! Thanks.
# 8 19 years ago

> Hello. I need help locating the name of a song played during an HP camera commercial. It's the one with the man in the office building>
I did a search here to no avail. Thanks all.
# 9 18 years ago

> Hello. I need help locating the name of a song played during an HP camera commercial. It's the one with the woman taking pictures in Paris then taking the pictures and pasting them on the wall.
> I did a search here to no avail. Thanks all.
> i dont which hp commercial it is but heres one, the group is the 80s the cure and if you want the video i could send it but its 98 percent complete
(All 9 messages )

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